
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Post #5024 M: Insane, Inhumane Zoning Laws; The Trump Acquittal; A Massie Tweet

 Quote of the Day

I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined 
not by our circumstance 
but by our disposition.
Martha Washington  

A Massie Tweet

It's hard to tell sometimes because there are often parody accounts which mimic the real thing; I remember on my old account I got a like from a Trump account (with a real likeness), and I was confused because it was a critical tweet, but it was cool I got his attention. I eventually went to the account and it seemed obvious that his legit tweets weren't in the account; I then took a closer look at the profile-clearly a parody account.

I have had occasional genuine celebrity encounters, e.g., a well-known Fox media conservative (no, not a primetime host) followed my old account (back when I had 70-odd followers). The most recent that comes to mind is purportedly the lead actress from the former "Medium" series; I had written a tweet in support Californians protesting COVID-19 policies, and she replied something like, "Dude, are you for real?"

I'm going to post a shot from my notifications involving a tweet from my favorite Kentucky Congressman and then follow it up with an excerpt from an email to relatives:

If you've read my political blog, you know I've particularly liked 3 libertarian-leaning politicians: Justin Amash, Rand Paul, and Tom Massie. The latter two have pissed me off time to time because they've backed Trump of all people, the most un-libertarian person on earth.

Tom Massie may be the smartest dude you've never heard of. He holds 2 engineering degrees from MIT. If you're not a geek, MIT and Cal Tech are like the Ivy League of the geek world. He's an inventory and a small Kentucky farmer. There is a cool half-hour or so video of him on Youtube where he gives a tour on  his farm. His farm is off the grid. Don't quote me but I think part of it is using some Tesla batteries. The guy is a polymath, like Thomas Jefferson (basically a multi-faceted genius).

You probably know Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and the last time I checked, one of the 5 richest dudes on earth. The dude retired as CEO several years back and has probably become more famous recently for his philanthropy interests like vaccines and climate change. So the story behind the initial tweet deals with methane-laden cow farts, which ecofascists  are furious about. (Some things Gate pursues are interesting, like his backing of TerraPower .... Most ecofascists are anti-nuclear, which is pretty much scientifically-illiterate and counterproductive.)

So Gates wants us to eat artificial meat to save the world from climate-changing cow farts. Massie is making a play on Gates' words (my own humor often plays with words) and so I do some Massie translation for non-geeks. I then explain a motivation for Massie's tweet, and he also liked that.

Insane, Inhumane Zoning Laws

The Trump Acquittal

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Al Goodwyn via Townhall

Musical Interlude: #1 Hits of 1970

The Jackson 5, "ABC"