
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Post #4673 M: SOHO Debate on Racism in the Criminal Justice System;

Quote of the Day

A person who trusts no one can't be trusted.
Jerome Blattner  

SOHO Debate on Racism in the Criminal Justice System

I occasionally embed longer (e.g., 90 minute) videos, especially SOHO debates.

Woods on Lockdown et al.

The National Anthem of Libertaria

National Anthem of Libertaria by Dominic Frisby
melody by Alexander Alexandrov (Russian national anthem)

Arise libertarians!
Above totalitarians.
Our guide is the mighty Invisible Hand.
Reject state controllers
Collectors, patrollers
Our choices are better than government plans.
Taxation is a form of theft.
Free markets and free trade are best.
Free speech, free movement, free minds & free choice
Our actions are all voluntary
Not coerced or compulsory.
War we abhor
Socialism does not work.
No debt or inflation
No stealth confiscation.
No pigs in the trough at the gravy to drink.
No state education
To brainwash our nation.
No experts dictate what to do, what to think.
We scorn your fiat currency!
Gold and bitcoin is our money.
We own ourselves, and we live and let live.
We take responsibility.
Life, love and liberty.
Leave us alone.
Let a thousand flowers bloom.

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Pat Cross via Townhall

Musical Interlude: The Beatles

"Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (Title track). I don't think the Beatles released any tune from arguably one of the greatest albums in pop history, if not the greatest. I will exercise blogger privilege and select a number of tunes over the coming week, starting with the infectious title track, which starts with one of the best guitar riffs ever.