
Sunday, July 24, 2016

Miscellany: 7/24/16

Quote of the Day
He that plants trees loves others besides himself.
Thomas Fuller

Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

Critique of the Rape Culture

Choose Life

Facebook Corner

This is from my niece's thread on an article posing the question of whether Catholics could morally vote for Trump. I wrote "No!". Another commenter worried that Clinton could win by default, pointing out Ross Perot's role in the 1992 election. I pick up on the thread:
I remember Ross Perot. Lol. Uncle Ronald, did you campaign for him?
No. I liked Perot's fiscal conservatism, but like Trump and Clinton, he's anti-trade, which is economically illiterate. I voted for Bush's reelection. But Perot didn't cause Bush to lose. There are a variety of ways to show this, but Perot got 19M votes, Bush lost nearly 10M votes since 1988, and there were 13M new voters. Perot supporters favored Dem govs, only narrowly Republicans in Congress. Clinton only got 3M more than Dukakis. So roughly, Perot took nearly equivalent bites from Clinton and Bush, and in head to head, Clinton won the non-Perot vote 53-46%. It would have taken a huge majority of Perot voters to push Bush over Clinton, which is illogical.

A lot of polls have been taken reporting head-to-head between Clinton and Trump as well as Johnson (LP) and Stein (GP). In every case the margin between Clinton and Trump is the same with the minor parties counted, maybe a 1% difference.

Clinton has been regularly beating Trump over the past year in head-to-heads over 80% of the time. If the Republicans wanted to win the WH in Nov., they shouldn't have nominated the one guy who loses to Clinton, with an almost 70% unfavorable rating.

To pro-liberty conservatives like me who believe in a small federal government, both Clinton and Trump are Big Government liberals, but I consider Clinton like Obama, bad but containable with Congressional opposition. Trump is a risk to our form of government. He is incompetent, unprincipled, ill-tempered, impulsive, economically illiterate. His anti-trade and anti-immigrant policies could spark a global Depression. He is threatening to do things that are illegal and/or unconstitutional. So I would be happy to see Trump crash and burn; conservatives will survive like they did after Teddy Roosevelt ran third party in 1912. There are valid issues for the middle class, but Big Government is part of the problem, not the solution. If Trump gets clobbered in Nov., the Trump cultists will have no one to blame other than themselves.
I really liked your last paragraph, about the consequences of Trump. I don't like either, but definitely won't vote for Clinton. Wondering if a vote for Johnson or write in would be a vote for Clinton though. Really really can't stand Trump, but like some of his views better than Clinton. I've voted for lesser of the two evils in the past, but it's a stalemate. Don't like any or Obama. Just praying our president doesn't arrange something to ensure martial law by November and him not leaving office..
Well, there are a lot of people who feel the way you do. But both Clinton and Trump are Statists. Trump has an authoritarian streak you don't have with Clinton. I literally know vastly more than Trump on any issue; I don't like Clinton, but assuming the GOP maintains control of at least the House, Clinton is limited in what she can do, like Obama who has found himself handcuffed the last 5 years. So from my perspective, you play for 2020. Trump is a problem like George W. Bush, who ran against nation building, increased domestic spending by 50%, added an unpaid for benefit expansion to Medicare, and led the offensive TARP package in 2008. These were essentially Dem policies from a GOP President. Trump is like Bush on steroids, except he's mentally unstable and a narcissist. Trump is unacceptable to me, period, worse than Clinton in every way; he's like Richard Nixon on steroids; Nixon almost destroyed the GOP. You are entitled to your vote, but I'm giving you my take--and I'm absolutely convinced I'm right.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Michael Ramirez via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Michael Jackson, "Black or White". One of Jackson's most compelling hits.