The best minds are not in government. If they were, business would hire them away.
Ronald Reagan
Tweet of the Day
#MillennialAClassicSong Photograph redux: All I've got is a selfie stick and you're not in my shot anymore— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
#MillennialAClassicSong Will you still text me tomorrow?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Why is Tim Tebow not speaking at the Trump Convention trending? Does he have something to say about Tom Brady's court case on Deflategate?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
The murderous attack in Nice was a tragedy. It reminds us of the futility of trying to stop monsters with public policy. Don't exacerbate it— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
No doubt knee-jerk progressive "fixes" will abound: cut off commercial traffic to public events; stronger background checks on drivers, etc.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Why should we be surprised that the Gray Lady would print a love letter to Obama called the Personal is Presidential? Give me a break!— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Obama is the same guy who has personally approved kill lists for vastly expanded drone attacks with collateral damage on innocent lives.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
The Obama Administration has lost more unanimous SCOTUS decisions than any POTUS in recent memory. Constitutional scholar: in what universe?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Trump's campaign thug, Manafort, argues that the #NeverTrump movement has been defeated. The rumors of our demise have been exaggerated.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
The latest bunch of battleground state polls via NBC/WSJ shows Clinton beating Trump in FL and CO; in fact, Trump polls UNDER 40%.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Hillary Clinton is literally the weakest, most vulnerable Dem nominee in decades (if not ever). This is also a change election year.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Yet despite the weak hand the Dems are holding, the GOP is nominating the one guy whose unfavorables are exponentially higher than Clinton's— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
I'm constantly getting pinged by Trump cultists, convinced that I will cave in and join them because POTUS Cllinton is unbearable. Nope.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Trump's anti-trade, anti-immigrant rants, his perverse populism are anti-liberty at their core--and suicidal economic policy. A step too far— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
The Austrian free marketers, like Block, Rockwell, and Woods, have this bizarre infatuation with the Orange Fascist, Trump.They demonize GOP— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
A lot of people underestimated Hitler in his rise to power. Trump is not laissez-faire; he's an unprincipled authoritarian.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Woods actually said something like Bush, McCain and Romney are like 100 times worse than Trump. Woods has officially become a crackpot.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
What it is is that the Austrians (economics) are fixated on foreign interventionism: everything else is peripheral.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
So Trump, like millions of registered Dems in the mid-2000s, repeats, after the fact, a trite critique of Bush on Iraq: Austrians ecstatic.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Trump talks about resurrecting waterboarding & "a lot worse",bombing the shit out of ISIS, targeting the families of terrorists:no reaction.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
The Austrians just consider Trump's absurd rhetoric as just harmless political theater he's doing to attract voters. Be careful with wishes— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
As others point out, Trump's mercantilism is consistent. I was in business school during the 80's:the Japanese economy was thought superior.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Back in the 80's parents had their kids learn Japanese in school; scholars wanted to adapt Japanese business models. And Trump bashed.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Trump has since changed his underwear and is targeting China. But ever once in a while he goes back to his golden oldie bash-Japan rhetoric— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
The aging Japanese economy is now in its third decade of flatline performance, being left in the dust by its rivals. Its deficit is bloated.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Trump insists his prospective manipulation of the economy would be more equal than Japan or China's. It's a variation of the fatal conceit.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
I think Trump's decision to attack George W. Bush on Iraq was literally nothing more than a backhanded slap at Jeb Bush, his then rival.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
What Trump is trying to do is fight his opponents on his home court in unilateral attacks: the other guy is sucking up all the oxygen..— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Redeye did a story about a buxom mermaid sand sculpture on Cape Cod drawing community complaints. Jealous ladies complain about silica sand.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
My new tagline for the 2016 election: Make America Free Again! Vote against Clinton and her donor, Trump!— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Trump managed to find a governor just as unpopular as he is to put on the ticket. Unlike McCain,he didn't pick someone who could upstage him— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Pence does have some conservative street cred, which could help Trump. I thought Gingrich was a better fit and for an imaginative pick, Webb— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
Most of us who are #NeverTrump think the risks of an unprincipled, volatile, authoritarian Trump too great for the liberty movement.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
This is why I find this libertarian infatuation with Trump so bizarre. Pro-police Trump made it clear he has no patience for due process— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
There is this Radical Whig whiff about the idea that a wealthy Trump is "incorruptible". But as Lord Acton observed, power corrupts.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
If I have the power to seize your lunch, I don't need the money to buy your lunch. And there is always someone wealthier than you are.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 15, 2016
It's almost as if Reason read recent tweets I wrote on Dems and science:— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 16, 2016
My Greatest Hits: July 2016I don't think Trump has gotten past Rubio's "small hands" taunt.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 16, 2016
- Miscellany: 6/19/16
- Miscellany: 6/28/16
- Bill O'Reilly's "The Aftermath of the Orlando Massacre": A Response
- Miscellany: 7/05/16
- Miscellany: 7/03/16
(National Review). NeverTrump dies with a whimper.
Our death has been prematurely declared. #NeverTrump was NEVER about a minority group of GOP insurgents. It's about defeating the Orange Fascist in November. Yes, it would have been nice if Priebus acknowledged the silent majority voting against Trump. If and when Trump loses in November, Priebus will need to address his failure. But none of us in the movement ever thought that there was a chance of a revolt succeeding. But be careful of what you wish you. You bought Trump; you now own him.
Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) Speaks Of His Own Experiences With the Police
You can ignore Boxer's nonsense that follows; it's a typical "I told you so"progressive rant.
Pence: Trump's Veep
Anti-Science On Both Sides of the Political Divide
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Courtesy of Robert Ariail via Townhall |
Michael Jackson, "PYT"