
Monday, June 13, 2016

Miscellany: 6/13/16

Quote of the Day
Ideas shape the course of history.
John Maynard Keynes

Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

Ron Paul's photo.

Shayne Thiessen's photo.

Facebook Corner

(National Review).

National Review's photo.
Rand Paul lost credibiliy with his betrayal of noninterventionist principles. No, the issue is not a vocabulary lesson; we need to abandon our civilian-killing interventions which feed into anti-Americanism.
(National Review). Why is Obama’s first reaction always to find perceived fault within American society rather than with radical Islamism, an ideology certainly at odds with all progressive notions of gay rights, feminism, and religious tolerance?
No. Anyone thinking that vocabulary is the problem is in a state of denial. National Review seems obsessed with high-profile infrequent atrocities but ignores the unjustiable horrific costs of collateral damages of our interventions in other nation's affairs.

A comment I wrote to a nephew's private post not directly discussing the Orlando tragedy but implicitly suggesting regulations to prevent tragedies.
Nope. I oppose restrictions on freedoms, period. There are reasononable steps which can be taken to mitigate risks. For example, although you aren't specifically talking about Orlando, Florida forbids open/concealed guns. Almost all mass shootings occur in a gun-free zone. When you restrict the right of people to protect themselves, you actually worsen the problem.
[He continued his argument. As a matter of blog policy, I normally don't discuss friends or relatives, and so I'm editing the discussion. He pointed out the gay club did employ security.  Let's just say he has more faith in State restrictions that I do; among other things, he brings up the usefulness of traffic regulations.]
There are so many things wrong with what you said, I don't have the time or patience to discuss it all, and I'm not going to continue after this comment; I may blog on the topic later.

I'll point out just in discussion of Orlando, the shooter himself worked security--and the first thing he would do is take out security. That's totally nonresponsive to the point I was raising. He knew once he took out security, the victims would be defenseless, and that's the point. If some of the patrons were armed, he would not have known that--and that's the point. You take a risk you might be outnumbered or blind-sided. (Now of course, the perpetrator was suspected, although it may not have been confirmed, that he wore a suicide vest.)

Even in your example of traffic laws: there's a whole literature in the pro-liberty movement just dealing with this. There's a known issue of moral hazard--that people who approach an unlighted intersection are more likely to drive defensively, that a large number of accidents occur because drivers assume others are obeying traffic laws.

Choose Life: Post-Delivery Reunion

Larry Elder and the War on Black Families

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Henry Payne via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Whitney Houston, 'My Name Is Not Susan"