
Friday, June 3, 2016

Miscellany: 6/03/16

Quote of the Day
The only gift is a portion of thyself.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tweet of the Day
LP Success in 2016?

The RCP polls I've seen to date show the LP getting 5-8 pts against Clinton and Trump and the Green Party getting about half that. Not impressive considering I had seen a few polls with LP nominee Johnson getting 10 pts. before the convention and I would normally expect a convention bounce. I would have to review poll specifics relative to the convention, but it doesn't look like Johnson is going to have a Ross Perot-like impact on the race. Johnson himself is a divisive figure in the LP--it took 2 ballots in a weak field; I still have issues with the Nazi cake stand.

Friedman v Bernie Sanders

Facebook Corner

(LFC). The NHS (the UK's nationalized healthcare service) has announced that it will deny people access to a drug that can prevent HIV from spreading.
Why would they do this?
Because the drug might displace entrenched interests that offer a competing service through the NHS.
Or as Reason so ably puts it:
"Yes, that's right: These people cannot get these drugs through NHS because it could disrupt some other entrenched treatment provider who would sue.....This is the actual example that enemies of "big pharma" always point to: the idea that some powerful company would intervene to block treatment because it has a financial stake in the matter. But it's happening because the government controls healthcare."
When government gets to decide for you what kind of health care you get, it's going to decide in its own best interest....not in yours. (JA)
I'm totally against the NHS - (I work in it as a contractor) but I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with big pharma or even big government or indirectly - I believe it's because they literally cannot afford it. The NHS is as close to bankrupt as makes no difference - that their modus operandii is to put out fires not prevent them.
But why then offer a protectionist response?


Choose Life: The Celebration of New Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Steve Kelley via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Whitney Houston, "So Emotional". Her sixth straight #1.