Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values.
Joshua L. Liebman
Image of the Day
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Nancy Pelosi's Bare Cupboard of Federal Waste via John Stossel |
Illinois election officials are baffled: None of the dead people complained when their votes showed up Democratic...
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2014
Mueller's wish: "Just don't take my body back to Chicago. I never voted for a Democrat in my life and I don't want to start after I'm dead."
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2014
Does your pet rabbit qualify for a "free" Swedish massage? 100 stupid government spending tricks
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2014
How much does the taxpayer pay for government panty raids? DHS holds boyshorts for evidence of violating IP rights.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2014
Facebook Comment of the DayFrom Catherine Saunders Mueller on Drudge (see voting machine problem below): Being From Illinois and the Chicago Demomob, er, I mean Chicago area, I can understand how this happened. When my late husband and I were discussing his coming death and the arrangements, he told me, "Just don't take my body back to Chicago. I never voted for a Democrat in my life and I don't want to start after I'm dead."
Voter Fraud in Colorado: Project Veritas Is Back
It's Bush's Frankenstein
Why the Minimum Wage Is Immoral
Stupid Government Spending Tricks
#2 Giving Rabbits Massages
From the Wastebook:
A group of rabbits received daily rub downs from a “mechanical device that simulates the long, flowing strokes used in Swedish massages.” The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the National Institutes of Health provided $387,000 for the two year project which ended in April 2014.Facebook Corner
( The progressives are wrong about economic liberty.
So people with more money have more speech rights and legal fictions are people... that libertarians believe this non-sense shows their sociopathic detachment from reality.
The fact that I freely choose to associate with other people to express some relevant point of political speech must not be arbitrarily restricted based on the nature of the source (individual, group, for-profit or nonprofit) or the media. Whether or not we choose to express our speech in a costly format is based on an assessment of net benefits. I don't have less freedom of speech as an individual if I have fewer resources any more than I have less property rights because I can't afford a penthouse or an estate instead of a condo or single family home. It's clear that any restriction on political expression is in the corrupt self-serving interests of career politicians, given the natural advantages of incumbency, including access to local media. The way we limit political corruption is through process reforms like rotation of committee assignments and chairs, limited terms, competitive bidding, and legislative transparency and through structural reforms, like limited resources and functions of government and minimal, uniformly applicable policies.
They thought it had been calibrated. None of the dead people complained when their votes showed up Democratic...
(LifeSiteNews). Synod confusion ‘of the devil’: Archbishop Chaput
ANd don't expect us to accept your brainwashing.
This Statist mutated construct of "marriage", co-opted by activist gays who are desperate for public validation of their lifestyle, demonstrates the fact that gays are so insecure in their own traditions and fundamental constructs that they have to imitate the heterosexual constructs of marriage and family. If they were really secure in their identity, they wouldn't resort to corrupt force of the State.
Political Humor
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Courtesy of Gary Varvel via IPI |
Courtesy of Bob Gorrell via Townhall |
Linda Ronstadt, "Back in the USA"