Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Marie Curie
Image of the Day
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Via Mackinac Center for Public Policy |
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Via Dollar Vigilante |
Chart of the Day
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Via LFC |
HT Don Boudreaux of Cafe Hayek
Choose Life: No Further Comment Necessary
From the Chicago Tribune via LifeSiteNews
Jennifer Cramblett, of Uniontown, Ohio, alleges in the lawsuit filed Monday in Cook County Circuit Court that Midwest Sperm Bank sent her the vials of an African-American donor's sperm in September 2011 instead of those of a white donor that she and her white partner had ordered. After searching through pages of comprehensive histories for their top three donors, the lawsuit claims, Cramblett and her domestic partner, Amanda Zinkon, chose donor No. 380, who was also white. Their doctor in Ohio received vials from donor No. 330, who is African-American, the lawsuit said. Cramblett, 36, learned of the mistake in April 2012, when she was pregnant and ordering more vials so that the couple could have another child with sperm from the same donor, according to the lawsuit.I have 3 grandnephews and 1 grandniece from racially/ethnically-mixed marriages; they are beautiful gifts from God.
Very Good Overview of How Public Sector Pensions Became an Unsustainable Mess
Encore: My New Favorite Song: Glen Campbell's Final Single
I'm Not Going to Miss You
by Julian Raymond and Glen Campbell (about Glen's experience with Alzheimer's)
I'm still here, but yet I'm goneFacebook Corner
I don't play guitar or sing my songs
They never defined who I am
The man that loves you 'til the end
You're the last person I will love
You're the last face I will recall
And best of all, I'm not gonna to miss you.
Not gonna miss you.
I'm never gonna hold you like I did
Or say I love you to the kids
You're never gonna see it in my eyes
It's not gonna hurt me when you cry
I'm never gonna know what you go through
All the things I say or do
All the hurt and all the pain
One thing selfishly remains
I'm not gonna miss you
I'm not gonna miss you
(Reason). Public-employee pensions are not protected when a city goes belly-up, according to a ruling Wednesday by the judge overseeing Stockton’s much-watched federal bankruptcy case.
The problem is that many employees paid little, if anything into those plans, they have never been adequately funded, and they are asking for future taxpayers for a bailout. We've had changing longetivy numbers, and even a figure of $80K is far more than the median household with active workers. In many cases we are looking at over $1M per employee in retirement. That's simply unsustainable in a low-growth economy.
As for contracts, so do all vendors have a stake in city/state reimbursement. Why are exactly are public employees "more equal"?
(Being Classically Liberal). Being Liberal, FDR was a tyrant more than anything else. Burning crops to boost food prices during a period of mass hunger, throwing over 100,000 Japanese Americans into internment camps because of their ethnicity, and trying to pack the supreme court in order to get New Deal legislation approved as constitutional were all disgusting actions.
I am wondering, if he were a libertarian, would you still have this animus towards him?
The "progressive" troll doesn't get the fact that his beloved fascist government creates uncertainties that obfuscate the activities of private sector charities, churches, mutual aid and fraternal societies. When government intervenes, it creates a self-serving, inefficient, ineffective bureaucracy and moral hazard. The government impedes innovation, business growth and employment. What has the "progressive" government done? It's managed to create a permanent underclass dependent on handouts, it creates ruinous cycles of asset bubbles by monetary interventions, it engages in constant foreign interventions, it creates unsustainable liabilities which dwarf federal revenues, not to mention the highest fiscal debt in world history, it subsidizes transportation systems in constant state of disrepair, the "land of the free" boasts one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, and almost everything it touches--healthcare, education, college loans, etc.--turns to inflation-bound mediocre crap. Any more questions?
Getting back to perhaps the worst president ever, FDR, go back to his 1932 campaign, where he ran on what most people would regard as a conservative platform; it was one of the biggest "bait and switch" electoral scams in world history; he put interventionist Hoover policies on steroids.
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Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of the original artist via Libertian Republicans |
Barry Manilow, "Read 'Em and Weep"