Quote of the Day
The palest ink is better than the best memory.Chinese Proverb
Pro-Liberty Thought of the Day
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Via Drudge Report |
Image of the Day
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Via Bob Perring on FB |
NSA Spying and the Constitution
Judge Napolitano is spot on here; I've suggested some reforms to control for dysfunctional government: term limits; recall of elected officials (including Presidents) and laws.
Why Oppose Class Warfare Tax Policies?
Beingclassicallyliberal has another excellent post talking about the difference between effective rate and top rate:
The point is with our complex tax system, very little income is actually taxed at that punitive rate. So if that's the case, why don't we want brackets to be high? Because it adversely effects economic growth, which lifts all boats:
A somewhat recent (2007) study by Christina and David Romer, who happen to be both Keynesians and Democrats, has done this. According to them:Facebook Corner
“[T]ax increases are highly contractionary. The effects are strongly significant, highly robust, and much larger than those obtained using broader measures of tax changes. The large effect stems in considerable part from a powerful negative effect of tax increases on investment…we find that a tax increase of one percent of GDP lowers GDP by about 3 percent.”
A 2011 survey of the academic research on the relationship between taxation and economic growth makes similar findings.
(IPI). Cook County’s pension fund has $0.56 for every $1 it should have in the bank today to pay out future benefits. The pension fund will become insolvent in 2038 if it continues down its current path.
Cook Country carrys most of the state. How many Million dollar salaries do you have in your town? Income tax is high for the workers making more than min. wage. Sheeesh.
Don't count on the economically successful to remain in the Chicago area: too many parasites....
(Drudge Report). Are we all racist now?
What's disappointing here is how the UKIP has a nuanced stand; so much for being a British libertarian party by playing to an anti-immigrant backlash! Like most economically advanced countries, Britain has an aging population and a low birth rate; immigration is a means to sustain a more robust economy. Is/was bigotry a factor in nativist immigration restrictions? No doubt. But the response is not, as Brown suggested, to reduce it to bigotry. A lot of it has to do with employment security and economic uncertainty. Government policy has harmed economic growth, which is the real problem, allowing others to see employment as a zero-sum game.
if all it means now to be racist is to be a patriot of good native citizen of your own country, so be it. I'll take the name and defend it
A patriot remembers that we are a nation of immigrants, Anyone who does not accept others dishonors the legacy of those whom fought and died for those freedoms.
(Reason). Is it time for V.A. Secretary Eric Shinseki to resign?
Yes. This is a no-brainer; it was on his watch It is incredible that years after Obama went on the record : " reform a system that often places barriers between veterans and the benefits they have earned. Obama and Joe Biden will ensure we honor the sacred trust to care for our nation’s veterans. Strengthen VA Care: Make the VA a leader of national health care reform so that veterans get the best care possible. " Playing bureaucratic games to keep a backlog off the public record?
The real solution is to end counterproductive federal healthcare programs; time to privatize them and restore a robust free market.
how about we just kick out all the Republicans that voted against the Veterans bill recently? http://www.csmonitor.com/.../Republicans-block-Senate..
How much of a partisan tool are you not to realize that King Harry restricts amendments to partisan bills? You can put lipstick on a pig but it's a pig. Put a misleading populist name on legislative sausage making---you must be one of those useful idiots whom think ObamaCare make government-regulated health "more affordable"
(Judge Napolitano). Patriot or traitor? My reactions to #InsideSnowden interview last night on Fox & Friends Fox News at 6:40a!
Criminal. He violated the terms of his clearance. This isn't a case of leaking something he found--it was a core dump of every secret file he could get his hands on, far beyond what to date is in the public arena. Even libertarians recognize the concepts of contract and good faith.
The corruption is stunning. Even when the GOP had all 3 branches of Govt- not 1 page of the IRS Tax Code was yanked from that 50 pound behemoth. They put on a good show fighting on Cable- then go to dinner together laughing at the wee people. Wee people about to open a can of whoopass. The pressure is building in the Volcano.
Give me a break; even with tenuous majorities in Congress, Bush couldn't make his signature tax cuts permanent; however, the rate of regulation slowed on his watch.
(Reason). Do you think divided government is our best bet for limiting federal power?
Our best bet? No. Bush folded like a cheap suit when it came to fiscal reform and response to the economic tsunami. Our best hope, short of an imminent crisis, for downsizing government is a conservative/libertarian coalition. But short of reform, the speed bumps of divided government prevent the Statist march to Serfdom.
Then why does congress' approval rating plummet every year this stagnation continues?
In part because there has been brainwashing of American education and history that promotes activist government. And the mainstream media have played up talking points of obstruction, i.e., resistance to partisan demands to capitulate without concessions or compromise.
(Cato Institute). "Many of President Obama’s adjustments to immigration enforcement have been disappointing and haven’t legalized as many unlawful immigrants as they could have. The president’s record on enforcing our harsh immigration laws is strict in contrast to his rhetoric and the stated goals of his executive actions."
We don't need to legalize any unlawful immigrants!!! We need to abide by the current laws. Deport all Criminal Invaders and their issue.
No, our overly restrictive immigration laws over the past centry have hurt economic growth. Anti-growth busybodies and bigots need to mind their own business.
A Toddler With Better Dance Moves Than Me
Choose Life/Entertainment Potpourri: Jane the Virgin
This is an unlikely setup for an upcoming network show: Jane has been saving herself for her upcoming marriage. During a hospital visit for routine matters, an overly busy doctor gets her patients mixed up and thinks Jane is there for artificial insemination. Jane finds herself pregnant and confused, not to mention her fiance. The doctor offers to give her an abortifacient. What's particularly moving is what Jane's grandmother says to her near the end of this clip:
“I told your mother to get an abortion,” Alba says mournfully, “but I carry that shame in my heart, because you have become the best part of my life. And this will be the best part of your life, too.”
Innovative Proposals
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Michael Ramirez via investors.com |
Orleans, "Love Takes Time"