Quote of the Day
A person's maturity consists in having found again the seriousness one had as a child, at play.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Pro-Liberty Thought of the Day
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Courtesy of We the Individuals |
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via reader post to Reason thread on Obama sending military advisers for the Syrian opposition |
Plumhoff v. Rickard: 9-0 For Lethal Force in High Speed Chase: Thumbs DOWN!
This is a case of using deadly force on a speeding vehicle seemingly boxed in while in Memphis. The unarmed driver and his passenger tried to flee as police fired 15 rounds into the car and died from some combination of bullets and/or the ensuing crash; SCOTUS basically gave the police broad discretion to discern threats to public safety and to decide on an appropriate, even lethal response. I believes this serves to reinforce a police bias towards "shoot first, apologize later" where the State violates due process and becomes judge, jury, and executioner. Crashes of wounded drivers and/or stray bullets can injure third persons or property. There may be ways to identify or track suspects for later, more peaceful arrest. I think police conduct can exacerbate the threat to public safety and we need laws and policies to promote prudent, proportionate behavior.
Welcome to the "Progressive" Poverty Trap
George Will On the Unmanageable, Incompetent State
Facebook Corner
(Cato Institute). "Obama’s two main legacies may turn out to be a failed health care plan and a tongue-in-cheek award for being a great recruiter for the cause of libertarianism."
They are all still increasing spending. None of them have done anything to hold down spending. Both parties are for continually growing the federal government.
I'm so tired of the trolls whom say the GOP is just the same as the Dems--and I am no GOP shill. Over 60% of the budget is entitlements; who initiated the entitlements? When's the last time a Dem-controlled House balanced the budget? What President has run up 4 trillion-dollar deficits in 5 years, although only 5 months in recession? Spending is still up over $1T a year since the GOP lost Congress in 2006--and don't forget interest rate expense is artificially low because the Fed has been de facto monetizing the debt. The problem the GOP faces is cutting spending is politically very difficult. And the troll doesn't point out unlike Obama, Bush never had a supermajority--in fact couldn't even make his tax cuts permanent.
(Drudge Report). Swiss to allow assisted dying for elderly who are not ill...
Slippery slope for ObamaCare death panel...
More Proposals
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of the original artist via IPI |
Ike and Tina Turner, "River Deep, Mountsin High"