
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Miscellany: 12/22/09

Notable Quotables

George Will commenting on Senators Mary "Louisiana Purchase" Landrieu and Ben "Cornhusker Kickback" Nelson:
Reid was buying the votes of senators whose understanding of the duties of representation does not rise above looting the nation for local benefits.
In other words, we already know what they are; Reid was just haggling over the price. (Nelson won his state an exemption of the increased state burden assumed by expanding Medicaid eligibility; Landrieu's price, as reported in an earlier post, was a $300M "fix".)

The Green Revolution Lives

The Ayatollah Montazeri, who broke with the ruling Iranian theocracy in the late 1980's and has been one of its harshest critics, was buried yesterday in Qom. This follows recent admissions from the ruling government that some protesters of the recent tainted reelection of Ahmadinejad had been beaten and killed by guards after coroners denied official explanations that the protesters died from illnesses. We are confident that the spirit of the Green Revolution lives on, and one day the dreams of Neda Soltan and other Iranian patriots will be realized.

Political Cartoon

Eric Allie points out the excuse, which I'm sure must have been signed by The One's personal physician, Howard Dean: "We're going to bash Bush in New Hampshire, Then we're going to South Carolina and Oklahoma and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico, and we're going to California and Texas and New York ... And we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan, and then we're going to Washington, D.C., to take it back to the White House! And then we're going to take it to England and France and Germany and we're going to Jerusalem and Cairo and Kabul, and we're next going to Moscow and Beijing and Tokyo and then back to the White House. And then we're going on MSNBC, and CNN and NBC and ABC and CBS (but not Fox News). Yeeeeeaaaaaargh!"

Christmas Musical Interlude: Nat King Cole's "The Christmas Song"

This Nat King Cole signature Christmas tune was on the playlist for my high school choir's Christmas concert. My fellow students were critics, thinking our performance was a little flat at spots. But fortunately my readers don't have to settle for clips of my high school choir performance when Nat King Cole's extraordinary interpretation of Mel Torme's timeless classic is available: