
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Miscellany: 12/23/09

Praise God! Sean Goldman is Finally Coming Home!

Brazil's chief justice Gilmar Mendes late yesterday finally put an end to the Brazilian stepfather's legal nonsense keeping American Sean Goldman from returning to his father David's custody, even after Sean's mother died in childbirth. Hats off to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other American diplomats and their Brazilian counterparts whom worked to enforce a matter legally decided by the 1980 Hague Convention and its signatories.

Welcome to the Right Side, Rep. Parker Griffith!

Alabama freshman Democratic Congressman Griffith, a radiation oncologist, has decided to migrate to the Light Side (i.e., the Republicans, whom didn't participate in partisan back room deals or schedule 1 AM votes), particularly given how the Dem leadership from the Dark Side, under Speaker Nancy "I Was Not Briefed on Waterboarding" Pelosi and Senate Majority Harry "Let's Make a Deal" Reid, has botched legitimate health care reform...

Political Cartoon

John Cole reminds us: "It's the Economy, Stupid!"

Christmas Musical Interlude: Paul McCartney's "Wonderful Christmas Time"

Paul McCartney, the most brilliant pop melody writer among the Beatles (if not pop music as a whole--even if he had done nothing more than write "Yesterday", in my judgment the greatest pop single of all time), crafted this delightful track in the late 1970's which just seems to radiate with happiness of being with family and friends this time of year.