
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Rant of the Day: the NFL, Protesting Players, and Trump

Note to Readers: I'm going to experiment with post headings to be more transparent about contents and maybe attract more readers.

This is not the first time I've tackled this NFL kneeling during the national anthem issue, although my position may surprise many libertarians. First of all, I would prefer the National Anthem not be part of sports events. But second, I think the issue that the NFL, by enforcing their code of conduct, is somehow suppressing the natural rights of protesting prima donna athletes is totally disingenuous. I don't see the NFL policing what athletes do or say off the field, banning political speeches or rallies, writing books or publishing podcasts.

Coming from a family where I have relatives who have served in a string conflicts from WWII through the first Iraq war. My Dad served in two isolated tours: Korea and Vietnam. I won an officer's commission in the Navy. A brother and a brother-in-law, like my Dad, retired from the USAF; a cousin retired from the Marines.  A sister and her daughter (a godchild) served as Air Force nurses for several years. I have occasionally worked for clients from 3 branches of the military. In a more recent such assignment, reveille and retreat are respectively played at the beginning and end of the day; even if you're a civilian (civil service) or contractor, you are expected to stand at attention or pull over your car and stop. Can it be a little inconvenient or annoying at times? Of course. But really it's not that big a sacrifice. It's maybe a minute or two of your day.

I don't have an issue with conscientious objectors, people who burn flags, people who don't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance, so long as they don't impose their behavior on me. Tolerance is a two-way street. For me, however, disrespect for our flag, anthem, and country is deeply offensive; I shouldn't have to put up with this at a public event. I don't even mind a separate moment for protests, or teams providing players with a platform to express their personal beliefs. But if you expect tolerance in expressing your opinions, you must also be tolerant of others, including standing respectfully and silently for a couple of minutes during the national anthem. You start interrupting these moments I identify with with your indulgent, obnoxious behavior, you have lost your opportunity to make a difference; I've tuned you out, and I have lost any interest in anything you have to say on or off the field. I certainly won't buy your merchandise or endorsed products.

The current rage involves the NFL finally addressing sanctions for players violating behavior during the playing of the national anthem, part of the existing code of conflict, which seem to involve fines and/or game penalties. So you are getting all of these phony First Amendment arguments. No, players are supposed to be professionals; they can be penalized for touching a ref or arguing a referee's call or taunting other team players; are those any less restrictions on their freedom? Of course not. If you don't like these restrictions, find a league that accommodates your preferences. Personally I won't pay to see you or watch your games, but maybe some of these protesters will. The NFL knows this nonsense is toxic to their bottom line, and they have every right to do something about it.

As for the NFL, either enforce your rule or stop playing the National Anthem before games. If you are going to do it, do it right and reverently.Or risk losing your core audience.

Finally, as for Trump exploiting the issue for his pretentious nationalism, I wish he would shut the hell up. Sports are not political rallies. I also don't like him going after players based on the nature of the protest. He is supposed to represent all of America, including the ones who don't support him. The malcontent players don't have the same platform he has.