
Monday, November 14, 2022

Post #5983 M: Why Did Republicans Underperform in the 2022 Midterms?; Homeland Security's backdoor social media censorship

 Quote of the Day

Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go; 
it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow.
Alice Mackenzie Swaim

Why Did Republicans Underperform in the 2022 Midterms?

 I occasionally post things  that in whole or part I disagree with. I had  stumbled this Trumpkin Youtuber in my feed some time back and I've indirectly mentioned him in a few tweets and/or posts. I may go into a one-off post in the future about some of his talking points. But some points:he wants to bash the "Establishment" vs Trump, particularly in spending; I agree there were messaging problems but would argue over the specifics. I think the Trump footprint, particularly on elections, was a negative. Trump did not improve over Romney in voting percentage--he did do better in the electoral college but Romney was battling a popular incumbent and Trump ran in a change election year. The fact is Youngkin had distanced himself from Trump and Trump had lost VA twice. Trump did do several pep rallies during the campaign, but this guy is moaning rural people, Trump's people, didn't show up. He also argues effectively candidate quality was not an issue, that Fetterman would have wiped out Oz' GOP opponents. We'll never know but we know the retiring Toomey got elected twice.

Political Humor

Homeland Security's backdoor social media censorship

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

                                                                Courtesy of Michael Ramirez via Townhall

Musical Interlude:  #1 Hits of 1998

K-Ci & JoJo, "All My Life"