
Saturday, December 11, 2021

Post #5469 M: Woods on Lessons from the Ron Paul Revolution; McClanahan on a Marxist Prof at Washington & Lee

Quote of the Day
You have succeeded in life 
when all you really want is only 
what you really need.
Vernon Howard  

Woods on Lessons from the Ron Paul Revolution

The Ron Paul Doctrine

This was not what I thought: This turned out to be largely an anti-vaxxer rant, and I could spend hours debunking McAdams' ignorant bullshit. I'm just going to respond to one of his talking points: the COVID-19 vaccines do work; this is obvious simply from analyzing hospitalization and death rates from vaccine status. He then argues that the vaccines don't stop infections and lose efficacy. He completely ignores the fact not all vaccines are sterilizing, we are dealing with new variants of COVID-19 for which the vaccines were not designed, and a loss of efficacy over time also applies to natural immunity. 

McClanahan on a Marxist Prof at Washington & Lee

I expected more original content from Brion this past week, so I'm clipping a prior not embedded episode from a year back.

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Steve Kelley via Townhall

Musical Interlude: Christmas Songs.

Vince Guaraldi Trio, "Christmas Time Is Here"