
Thursday, July 8, 2021

Post #5230 M: McClanahan on To Tenure or Not To Tenure; Kibbe on the Free State Project

 Quote of the Day

The characteristic of genuine heroism is its persistency. 
All men have wandering impulses, fits and starts of generosity. 
But when you have resolved to be great, abide by yourself, 
and do not try to reconcile yourself with the world. 
The heroic cannot be common, nor the common heroic.
Ralph Waldo Emerson  

McClanahan on To Tenure or Not To Tenure

This may be my favorite McClanahan episode. Why? Because I specifically wrote an (unacknowledged) email to McClanahan, my first, suggesting an episode on Nikole Hannah-Jones. I had written a critical tweet or two on Jones, opining on the tenure decision (any familiar reader knows I oppose tenure, which others might think is self-serving because I never went up for tenure and left academia without a job offer after a one-year non-renewable contract at Illinois State. What left a bitter taste in my mouth was that Bowling Green State  (Toledo, OH) was  the first college to offer me a position, and I really loved them--but they wouldn't let me teach graduate courses. So after office politics at UWM and UTEP destroyed my academic career, I think I heard that the guy who ended up getting my BGSU had won early tenure; it was ironic. At that point, I was looking for any job, even just teaching service courses. My job as a university professor had been a dream come true. As a DBA, my income soon far exceeded what I ever made as a professor, but I would have returned in a heartbeat once I had enough IT experience as a fallback.) 

I don't think McClanahan classified the episode as a reader-generated episode, and given the salience of the 1619 project, I'm sure McClanahan didn't need me to raise the topic. On Twitter, I didn't really respect the project was worthy of tenure and pointed out I was sure she would find someone in progressive academia to offer her a job. Sure enough, under political correctness, UNC overturned the tenure denial, but Howard University offered her a prestigious chair position in the interim. Of course, they did. McClanahan points out facts I didn't know, like Jones had not been in a tenure-track position and she was in a journalism vs. history position.

Political Cartoon

Kibbe on the Free State Project

Choose Life

Musical Interlude: #1 Hits of 1975

The Eagles, "One of These Nights"