
Monday, November 30, 2020

Post #4907 M: The 1619 Project; McClanahan on Lockdowns, Grabbers and Churches; Krebs: An American Hero Fired By Trump

 Quote of the Day

Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.
Desiderius Erasmus  

The 1619 Project

McClanahan on Lockdowns, Grabbers and Churches

Well, I knew that McClanahan was going to rant on the recent decision by SCOTUS, which I recently praised, in fact he had hinted at this rant in a recent newsletter. In his view, it was up to NY's state supreme court to uphold the state's bill of rights, that your alternative is to leave the state and find a more religious-friendly state. I personally am skeptical of the incorporation doctrine (that basically argues federal guarantees of the Bill of Rights in the states, especially as an extension of the 14th Amendment), but I'm more concerned about the infringement on rights, regardless of jurisdiction disputes. 

If you read the SCOTUS decision, you'll find compelling reasons that the churches were limiting attendance in reduced capacity, that there was no evidence of churches exacerbating the pandemic, that "essential businesses" were more favorably treated.

Krebs: An American Hero Fired By Trump

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Bob Gorrell via Townhall

Musical Interlude: Traditional Christmas

What  Child is This?