
Monday, November 9, 2020

Post #4877 M: $11T Biden; The Future of the LP; McClanahan on the Final Days of Trump

 Quote of the Day

20% of what you do accounts for 80% of the value.
Vilfredo Pareto 

$11T Biden

The Future of the LP

McClanahan on the Final Days of Trump

For some time I've pointedly tweeted and blogged against Rockwell as Trump's useful idiot. This crackpot conspiracy theory bullshit: I expected better than this from McClanahan, but he was openly endorsing Trump in battleground states, mostly as an alliance against leftism. Everyone knew that many Democrats exercised vote by mail, and in some of these states the vote processing couldn't start until Election Day. Then this rant against calling Biden President-Elect? Seriously, dude? Do you seriously believe over 20 faithless electors? Trump, on the record, had repeatedly alleged voter fraud for months. But I'll sometimes present a contrary point of view, and the reader can decide who he believes.

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Pat Cross via Townhall

Musical Interlude: #1 Hits of 1967

Something Stupid/Frank & Nancy Sinatra