
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Post #4379 M: Ron Paul on the Afghanistan Intervention; McClanahan on the Trump Impeachment Inquiry

Quote of the Day

Angels around us, 
angels beside us, 
angels within us. 
Angels are watching over you when times are good or stressed. 
Their wings wrap gently around you, 
Whispering you are loved and blessed.

Ron Paul on Washpo's Expose on Government Deceit Over Afghanistan

McClanahan on the Trump Impeachment Inquiry

Well, the best you can say is McClanahan agrees Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct--just not what the Dems are arguing. I completely disagree on the Ukraine matter; Trump's attempt to extort Zelensky is clear and his bringing up Biden was self-serving and obvious. McClanahan's attempt to explain away Biden is totally disingenuous. He says Biden is not the nominee--the fact that Biden continues to lead in most field Dem polls and that he beats Trump in virtually all head to head national polls is beyond dispute. There are polls that show Biden leading in Pennsylvania and Texas. Now it's possible Biden could lose the nomination, but it's clear Biden is currently Trump's most viable threat, and Trump has every incentive to eliminate Biden as a contender, the earlier the better. For McClanahan to ignore the obvious doesn't speak well of his judgment.

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Musical Interlude: Christmas Melody

Go Tell It on the Mountain