
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Post #4216 Social Media Digest


[responding to the Being Libertarian pocket of a jean's coin pocket, referencing to one's pay after taxes]

And it's usually empty...

[I believe I was referring to a devil's advocate meme on Pro-Life Libertarian. ]

The fact is that sbortion was forbidden in first-century Israel, and multiple Roman/Jewish historians confirm that. Now the Greeks and others had an ensoulment doctrine, with a stage hypothesis, e.g., the fetus went through lower (e.g., vegetative ) stage of development. The ensoulment tended to occur around viability (movement of the fetus). Be clear: whereas some Jews were influenced by Greek "science", nobody pretends abortion is not a rejection of God's gift of life.

[I believe this may have been a response to someone who asked me to elaborate on sources for the previous clip. I think I also added a link to the Wikipedia page on ensoulment.]

The Jews: book 5 of 'The Histories' by Cornelius Tacitus
Mark 10:13-16. But this OP is disingenuous in her presentist absurdities. The fact is that abortion was NOT an accepted practice in Jesus' lifetime in Israel (see below), and in fact explicit teachings against abortion appear in one of the earliest Christian texts, the Didache. Why? Because abortion and infanticide were practiced in ancient Rome and Greece. As Christianity spread into the Gentile world, it became an issue.

The first century historian Tacitus,The Jews, The Histories Book 5:5:

However, the Jews see to it that their numbers increase. It is a deadly sin to kill a born or unborn child.

[I believe this was in response to Gabbard's opponents on Syria, suggesting she was a tool for terrorists]

Well, it's not just that but we've been Al Qaeda's air force in Syria.
