He who is drowned is not troubled by the rain.
Chinese Proverb
Food Truck Liberty in NC: A Consumer/Vendor Victory
Should Government Tax/Regulate Spending on Pets?
Well, I was unpopular with my younger siblings who longed for a puppy; I thought if my lower-middle income family had resources to spent on a pet, they should instead spend them on the world's poor, e.g., through Catholic Relief Services. (However, I never confused charity with government.) I lost that argument and quickly bonded with the new family pet.Social Media Digest
[I believe that I was responding to this George Will column, via FB, which references the politicized Bork, Thomas, and Garland nominations.]
The usually comprehensive George Will doesn't go back to FDR's attempt to pack the Supreme Court is the mid-30's and SCOTUS' ensuing capitulation in Carolene Products and Footnote 4, which led to the status quo.
[It seems every 6 weeks or so Cato Institute or its sibling outlets (libertarianism.org) seems to feel the need to correct those of us libertarians who think the Civil War as a morally unacceptable violation of the Non-Aggression Principle, arguing the Secession was all about slavery and the Confederacy had a pretty bad government. As if the American Revolution led by slave-owning Founding Fathers was illegitimate!]
Why does Cato circulate this same old same old bullshit every few weeks? Read Lincoln's first inaugural address; what did he condemn? The institution of slavery or the loss of federal revenues from Southern ports? What is ironic is that libertarians celebrate Lincoln's vision of nationalism at the expense of our federalist principles.
[I belong to the Feminists for Life FB group, and the moderators were cheering on a Down Syndrome young woman who is involved in political efforts to push a minimum wage rate for Down Syndrome folks arguing that they are "exploited". I have to point out this is economically illiterate and counterproductive.]
Unfortunately, misguided economically illiterate attempts to manipulate the minimum wage will shrink the employment opportunities available to Down Syndrome workers, which is tragic. I want to encourage Down Syndrome people to find fulfillment, but being a lobbyist is not a path I would encourage.
Trump is such an economically illiterate retard. Like his former fellow Democrats, he wants to manipulate drug prices. Econ 101: what happens when governments cap prices? Shortages. REAL solution: improve competition by lowering barriers to entry, including FDA approvals.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 26, 2018
Well, Trump's tariff war on American consumers is "working"; he now owns the highest merchandise trade deficit in history, fourth consecutive higher monthly deficit! https://t.co/JqzxgUfoB5— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 26, 2018
I'm so tired of economically illiterate progressive parrots. No to corrupt Democratic political whores, wasteful spending of stolen money. Vote libertarians!— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 25, 2018
You mean I'll have a chance to vote against all 3 Clintons? Isn't that the ultimate hat trick? "Chelsea Clinton"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 25, 2018
Hillary Clinton can now add bomb survivor to Bosnian sniper survivor to her resume. MAGABomber— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 25, 2018
Apparently Democratic political whores get better protection than the flying public under TSA. #MAGABomber— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 25, 2018
Watch your wallet around politicians. #MoralOfTheStoryIn5Words— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 25, 2018
Trump is angry that repressive Central American regimes are not doing enough to imprison people exercising their natural right to migrate. He wants to stereotype migrants as welfare queens, terrorists or gang members. He likes to pretend small quotas are a legitimate alternative.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 24, 2018
The Joliet, IL government terminated their recent city manager hire with a near six-figure severance package and a promise not to contest his filing for unemployment. How many taxpayers get the same? https://t.co/AuJ6Okz9Ek— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 24, 2018
Trump pep rallies #SomethingWickedIn3Words— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2018
Kavanaugh Derangement Syndrome #SomethingWickedIn3Words— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2018
Hillary Rodham Clinton #SomethingWickedIn3Words— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2018
GOP immigration policies #SomethingWickedIn3Words— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2018
Democratic Party nominees #SomethingWickedIn3Words— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2018
This is all politically correct nonsense. One's collective identity has nothing to do with talent, hard work and accomplishment. One's incidental characteristics, beyond control, are the pursuit of a trivial, boring mind. #ResearchDiversity— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2018
I listened to part of Trump's rally in Houston. It's rare to hear someone say so many bullshit things in a short period of time. No, he's not responsible from a more robust economy; no, we don't need the federal government intervening against the blessing of immigration.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2018
I finally saw something good on Fox & Friends: they had a report from House of Pies on Kirby in Houston. I used to buy a couple of pies to bring home near San Antonio during the holidays And just up the street Goode Company BBQ. I miss Houston since earning my doctorate.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2018
Trumpkins are in such a state of denial, trying to argue Trump has a higher approval than many other Presidents at this stage of their first term. The fact is that Trump has never reached his 2016 46% share of the popular vote in Gallup job approval ratings.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2018
Meme of the Day: Apparently Hillary Clinton thinks that she's playing baseball, that she'll rally from an 0-2 count to avoid a strikeout. She hasn't figured out yet that the American people just aren't that into her. pic.twitter.com/3xjOKWxmlj— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2018
Just a reminder that Cherokee Lizzie Warren has probably done more to disrespect American sovereignty and business than any other Senator. https://t.co/EOkgkkRVmj— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2018
Apparently not many blacks have attended Harvard Law since Obama: its staff once called Elizabeth Warren its first "woman of color". More like "woman of pallor". https://t.co/Ol5QFM7e8R— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2018
You economically illiterate bastard. Capitalism has raised the standard of living for everyone, brought more people out of poverty than any force in the history of mankind. Socialism has killed or impoverished more people than any evil.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 23, 2018
If evangelicals will be into womanizer Trump's BS, they'll buy anything. Even those fake Jesus sandals on eBay. "Dead Sea Scrolls"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 22, 2018
How about "End the Fed" Ted? "Texas Ted"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 22, 2018
Better than O'Rourke's government pork or living in Beto's ghetto. "Texas Ted"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) October 22, 2018
Choose Life
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Tom Stiglich via Townhall |