
Thursday, October 25, 2018

Post #3853: Food Truck Liberty; Does Government Have a Right to Money Spent on Pets? No

Quote of the Day

He who is drowned is not troubled by the rain.
Chinese Proverb  

Food Truck Liberty in NC: A Consumer/Vendor Victory

Should Government Tax/Regulate Spending on Pets?

Well, I was unpopular with my younger siblings who longed for a puppy; I thought if my lower-middle income family had resources to spent on a pet, they should instead spend them on the world's poor, e.g., through Catholic Relief Services. (However, I never confused charity with government.) I lost that argument and quickly bonded with the new family pet.

Social Media Digest

[I believe that I was responding to this George Will column, via FB,  which references the politicized Bork, Thomas, and Garland nominations.]

The usually comprehensive George Will doesn't go back to FDR's attempt to pack the Supreme Court is the mid-30's and SCOTUS' ensuing capitulation in Carolene Products and Footnote 4, which led to the status quo.

[It seems every 6 weeks or so Cato Institute or its sibling outlets ( seems to feel the need to correct those of us libertarians who think the Civil War as a morally unacceptable violation of the Non-Aggression Principle, arguing the Secession was all about slavery and the Confederacy had a pretty bad government. As if the American Revolution led by slave-owning Founding Fathers was illegitimate!]

Why does Cato circulate this same old same old bullshit every few weeks? Read Lincoln's first inaugural address; what did he condemn? The institution of slavery or the loss of federal revenues from Southern ports? What is ironic is that libertarians celebrate Lincoln's vision of nationalism at the expense of our federalist principles.

[I belong to the Feminists for Life FB group, and the moderators were cheering on a Down Syndrome young woman who is involved in political efforts to push a minimum wage rate for Down Syndrome folks arguing that they are "exploited". I have to point out this is economically illiterate and counterproductive.]

Unfortunately, misguided economically illiterate attempts to manipulate the minimum wage will shrink the employment opportunities available to Down Syndrome workers, which is tragic. I want to encourage Down Syndrome people to find fulfillment, but being a lobbyist is not a path I would encourage.


Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Tom Stiglich via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Paul McCartney, "Pipe of Peace"