
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Miscellany: 12/31/13

Quote of the Day
Start with good people, 
lay out the rules, 
communicate with your employees, 
motivate them and reward them. 
If you do all those things effectively, 
you can’t miss.
Lee Iacocca

William Pauley vs. the Fourth Amendment

Pauley's Ruling via Washpo
The Post rightly calls this paragraph from my first nominee for Bad Judge of the Year 2014 as Kafkaesque. Imagine if Clinton had argued, "I never intended for you to know about that woman, Miss Lewinsky."
Just because the Congress passes a law doesn't make it constitutional. The people have a right to know about information being collected about them; otherwise, there wouldn't be due process of serving warrants. I don't even think Snowden has been found guilty in a court of law, although Pauley makes the assertion. And the Congress passes laws it doesn't read or understand all the time.

Facebook Corner

(Bastiat Institute). "The economic Progressive mindset is inherently arrogant. Take the example of the call for McDonalds to pay its workers $15/hr. Progressives making this argument think they know better than McDonald's CFO what the corporation should pay. They want to step into a business they don't understand and run it, substituting their judgment for that of the people who actually built/run the business.

"By contrast, the libertarian mindset is humility. I don't know your business. I don't know your life, or how much you should pay your employees. And I'm humble enough to admit that and let you get on with handling those things, if you return me the same favor." - Julian Adorney, writer at FEE
 The issue is a prohibition on voluntary transactions by third parties. On what moral authority does any progressive have to deprive another person of making a living or gaining invaluable job experience?

Political Humor

Courtesy of Lisa Benson and Townhall
Musical Interlude: My iPod Shuffle Holiday Series

Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadians. "Auld Lang Syne". This marks the end of my seasonal musical series. I'll resume my regular iPod Shuffle favorites series with my next post tomorrow.