The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are:
- Hard work,
- Stick-to-itiveness, and
- Common sense.
Pro-Liberty Thought of the Day
“Government has three primary functions. It should provide for military defense of the nation. It should enforce contracts between individuals. It should protect citizens from crimes against themselves or their property. When government-- in pursuit of good intentions tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the cost come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom. Government should be a referee, not an active player.” --Milton Friedman
Crony Big Sports: No Taxpayer Subsidies for College, Professional Sports!
The Mainstream Media Occasionally Stumble Across the Truth
From Libetarian Republic:
From The Blaze: “While there is more work to be done, the team is operating with private sector velocity and effectiveness, and will continue their work to improve and enhance the website in the weeks and months ahead,” an administration report released Sunday states.
Todd stated that the president is acknowledging the failure of government by saying, ‘You know what? If this was a government operation for a long time and it failed, now we’re bringing in the private sector folks.’ I mean, that is an indictment on the whole idea of government as a solution, frankly…”Make Sales, Not War
Via Bastiat Institute: The market innovates and delivers technology for peaceful commerce to make your life easier and better. What does the state develop technology for?
Better to make sales, not war. Curious about the economics of delivery (hardware, volume, operational cost--any savings over UPS/FedEx). Google's flirtation with driverless vehicle technology is also interesting--I could see a hybrid concept where package vans drive and drones/robots handle delivery (maybe not Bezos' pizza delivery time concept, but...) Or natural concepts where time is of the essence, e.g., delivery of emergency meds, organs/blood, etc.
Facebook Corner
(Libertarian Republic). Is football a big taxpayer ripoff? (VIDEO) | The Libertarian Republic
I'm a football fan, but the sport needs to raise revenue from user fees (tickets, media rights, and any relevant concessions), not at the expense of local/state taxpayers. I'm getting a little tired of extortion of franchise relocation if taxpayers don't fund stadiums, etc.
(Libertarian Republic). Congressional approval plummets to 6%, lowest record ever | The Libertarian Republic
This write-up is confusing--I though the 10-7-3 split described the sample, which doesn't make sense: that only account for 20%--who else was in the sample? I assume the author meant to say there was 10% approval among Dems, 7% among GOP, 3% among independents.
Personally, I don't mind a stalemate in divided government; it's better than collusion to raise taxes, spending or increase the regulatory regimen. I understand that people and businesses are frustrated with uncertainties caused by the Dems' stonewalling of long-overdue fiscal and regulatory reform and their atrocity of ObamaCare, but even under the best of circumstances (i.e., next year's flip of Senate control), The (Incompetent) One will still have enough Dems in either chamber to veto sensible reforms of Big Government.
(Libertarian Republic). Obamacare signed up 100K in November. They want 7 million by February. We'd say "do the math" on how many signups in how much time, but the site isn't actually working yet. Also they can't guarantee your information will be secure. Time's ticking for Senate Democrats.
All Obamacare did is put everyone on the same expensive insurance that businesses give their employees. The only difference is, employers subsidize the employees premium while the government subsidizes individuals who don't have employer subsidized plans. The one thing they all have in common is the monthly premium is basically the same across the board. That is by no means affordable. I hope the Democrat party implodes on itself and sucks down the Republicans with them... It is clear that this whole design was implemented by a special interest group that had everything to gain. The governments job was to make us all partake of this legalized extortion..
I know people that still didn't know they had to buy health insurance and the penalty at the end of the year if they don't have it.. this could be the reason no one is running to sign up because they aren't paying attention. They'll find out at tax time..
This is a gross oversimplification and quite misguided; many corporations are self-insured, have different sets of benefits, and their plans are grandfathered. The exchange plans basically factor in overly expensive policies like guaranteed issue and community rating. These last two guarantee sicker/older people the opportunity to buy policies below cost. Those losses have to be offset by other policyholders and/or the government, or the insurer will leave the market--that's the reason for the mandate--it's not a corrupt relationship, but of a viable business model. What happens is that younger/healthier risks are getting soaked, and it's a matter of supply/demand.
Whereas people often procrastinate, and it's possible that some people are not aware of the mandate, if you are a younger/healthier person, the penalty is much less than the increased premiums you are having to pay to subsidize poor health risks and a boatload of ordinary health expenses and special-interest mandates being portrayed as "insurance". A lot of people are never going to enroll because they come out way ahead paying the penalty--it's a no-brainer.
What say you LFC community.....Anarchy or Minarchy?
Minarchy from a pragmatic standpoint, although I would work to radically downsize, privatize or decentralize even minimal government functions of security and arbitration.
(LFC). People who want [marijuana] to be legalized and taxed are doing it wrong.
If you are going to have a consumption tax, it should be consistently applied. I don't believe in politically correct tax surcharges. I would hope that liberalizing victimless crimes reduces local/state jail/prison outlays.
(Drudge Report). Woman has child taken from her womb by social services...
Intervention of the Baby Snatchers. Unbelievably barbarous, violation of her body (a fundamental right), her parental rights, no due process, unconscionable precedent. My understanding is that a number of bipolar women become pregnant (diagnoses often occur while the woman is fertile and/or young) and have children without issues (presumably in consultation with their doctors).
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Via LFC |
(Libertarian Republic). John McCain Talks of "Cordial" Relationship with Ted Cruz (VIDEO) | The Libertarian Republic
"Referring to Obamacare, McCain had said that “the people spoke,” when they elected Obama in 2012." Actually, the people spoke when they turned the House over to the GOP in 2010 after the House passed the corrupt Senate bill. Romney was a poor choice to battle ObamaCare given the precedent of RomneyCare. And just a minor point: Obama, despite the advantage of incumbency, hundreds of millions in campaign funds and a superior ground game, won fewer states and millions fewer votes. What does that say about Obama's "mandate"?
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Gary Varvel and Townhall |
Bob Seger, "The Little Drummer Boy". I'm not sure a newborn baby would appreciate a banging drum, but Seger does a great cover of the classic--from a fantastic charity (Special Olympics) album, in my personal collection. I will feature a second track later in the countdown, along with a famous medley duet featuring the same song.