
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Miscellany: 7/24/13

Quote of the Day
God gives every bird its food,
but he does not throw it into the nest.
Josiah G. Holland

Image of the Day
Former POTUS 89-year-old G.H.W.  Bush holding 2-year-old leukemia patient Patrick
Bush's first daughter Pauline ("Robin") died of leukemia at age 3
POTUS shaved his head in support of Patrick, son of one of his Secret Service officers
He's Got a Name, He's Got a Name

I'm not saying the former colonies are obsessed with the royal family, but Prince George already has a Maryland county named after him.... I pass through its Metro stop every time I go to DC.... (Yes, I'm mocking the absurd amount of coverage to the royal baby. There have been relevant alerts from serious news organizations flowing into my inbox, reports that the Obamas have sent their good wishes, and don't get me started on Hollywood celebrities. Yes, the same people who oppose restrictions on pain-culpable abortions past the 20th week of pregnancy seem to think fawning acknowledgment of the baby prince proves their "love" for children.)

Amash Amendment to Restrict NSA Surveillance Fails 205-227: Thumbs DOWN!

Familiar readers know Justin Amash (R-MI), a fellow libertarian-conservative, is my favorite Congressman. He was attempting to limit record-keeping to identified suspects, not ordinary citizens. Ironically, most Democrats voted for the amendment despite heavy pressure from the Administration to kill it.

Facebook Post of the Day: Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT):
"There are three great crises in our economy today, each a crisis of fairness and equality - each caused in large part by the very policies President Obama supports.
First, there is the crisis of upward mobility. In America today, people born in poverty are often trapped there. It's not the free market that forces poor kids into underperforming schools, punishes single parents for getting married, and penalizes people for hard work - it's big government.
Second, there is the crisis of cronyism. If the economy seems rigged these days, that's because it is. Big government, big business, and big special interests manipulate the rules to profit at everyone else's expense.
Companies succeed not by serving customers, but politicians and bureaucrats. In Barack Obama's economy, Wall Street gets a bailout, Solyndra-gets a hand out, liberal interests get a carve-out, and everyone else gets left out.
And finally, there is the crisis of the middle class: stagnant wages, inequality, insecurity, and the exploding costs of housing, health care, and education. Contrary to the president's rhetoric, all of the above are directly tied to federal policy.
Wages rise when small businesses grow. But small businesses can't grow when crony capitalism protects large corporations from smaller competitors. And it's not a coincidence that the industries that have seen the worst inflation - housing, health care, and education - are the very industries controlled by government!
It is liberal big government - Barack Obama's government - that today ensnares the poor, privileges the rich, and squeezes the middle class.
It is time for us as Republicans to finally make a pivot of our own. It's time to become once again the Party of Lincoln and Reagan, the party of opportunity, and of ideas."
We need  to understand that regulation is a vicious circle vortex, which sucks up resources needed to drive the real economy, not the expansion of parasitic Leviathan. We need a cultural change in Washington, Presidential historians, etc. that realizes that we should not see the rush to new legislation with ill-considered opportunity costs (Bastiat's infamous things unseen) or unintended consequences, like thousand-page bills nobody reads before voting on them, as a  good thing: the "we can't afford to do nothing" madness of a Barack Obama. We need accountability of public employees, transparency of the legislative process, streamlining of government, simplification of taxes, full implementation or restoration of individual rights, free market and free trade policies, the end to morally hazardous government dependency programs, and the reining in of activist monetary, fiscal, foreign and regulatory policy.

Efficiency Doesn't Mean Writing Dubious Tickets to Meet Quota: People Following the Law is a Good Thing

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Bob Gorrell and Townhall
Fear-Mongering Hits New Low in NJ Senate Race

Congressman Holt is running for the Democratic nomination in the special election to replace the late Frank Lautenberg. He is running an apolcalyptic ad warning millions will die if he can't soak utility customers through a special interest carbon tax. (I'm rephrasing him, of course.) For his pathetic Gore-like alarmism, he now joins a crowded JOTY list. Fortunately, NJ voters have better alternatives to the likes of all hat, no cattle Mayor Booker or Holt: Dr. Eck or former Mayor Lonegan.

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Groups Redux 

 The Beatles, "Taxman"