
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Miscellany: 7/07/13

Quote of the Day
Life improves slowly 
and goes wrong fast, 
and only catastrophe is clearly visible.
Edward Teller

Spitzer Joins Weiner In Competition For NYC Sleazeball Comeback of the Year

I regularly refuse to consider gigs in NYC or California. The unofficial winner of my 2008 JOTY contest is seeking the post of city comptroller. The Gray Lady sees no difference among having a secret mistress, being a male exhibitionist sending out photos to unrelated women, and a former attorney general going from busting call girl operations to becoming a client as governor. I'm not here to defend Congressman Sanford (R-SC), but he previously served as Congressman in the same district for 3 terms, and he's hardly the first divorced/engaged/remarried Congressman. I do think infidelity reflects on character and integrity, a key criterion for many, if not most voters, but I am more concerned  with job-related qualifications, experience, and political philosophy.

Congratulations to Andy Murray, British Winner at Wimbledon

I was so used to NBC "Breakfast at Wimbledon" I didn't realize that ESPN is in the second year of a long-term contract to cover the event. Murray won the marquee title for his country the first time in nearly 8 decades, one of the longest droughts since the Red Sox won the World Series for the first time since Babe Ruth donned one of their uniforms.

Heroine of the Day
Jiyeon Kim, left, flight attendant on crashed Asiana Airlines Flight 214
Photo Courtesy of Eugene Anthony Rah via WSJ
 This courageous petite young woman was carrying passengers, unable to evacuate under their own power, piggyback before the passenger cabin was engulfed in flame. To any  doubters of flight attendants as safety professionals, Ms. Kim performed effectively with extraordinary grace and compassion under unimaginable circumstances.

Facebook Post of the Day
I just noticed this NSA statement from a couple days ago. According to the statement, "NSA does not object to any lawful, peaceful protest."
Does not object? What, do we need NSA's permission to protest these days? And what if NSA *had* objected?
As Americans, we need to stand together now to protect our rights. Our government grows bolder and more arrogant with each passing day. Set aside the partisan politics and defend liberty before it's too late. - Justin Amash (R-MI)
Congressman Amash is correct; this is not government of, by, and for the convenience of the bureaucracy, and government does not exist by the consent of the bureaucrat.

It Turns Out Making Metro a More Beautiful Place Is Illegal

The phantom flower planter Henry Docter has been threatened with arrest if he attempts to water  more than 1,000 morning glories, cardinal flowers and cypress vines, and the chronically tight-budget organization has deployed personnel to yank them out as if they were weeds.

Just Say 'No' To Borrowing From Our Grandchildren To Fund Obama's Meddling in Syria

Jillette on Being a Libertarian

The reason I am embedding this video is not because I share Jillette's atheism (I don't), but because I had a similar email exchange with one of my nephews. One of the interesting things about libertarians is they can be intolerant of others in their ranks whom stray from their orthodox positions on issues, not unlike conservatives' distaste for RINO's. Rand Paul, for instance, has taken hits over last year's late endorsement of Romney (after he mathematically clinched the nomination) and his border security stance on immigration. I was recently sharply critical of another nephew not because he disagrees with me on the subject of gay "marriage" but because he was parroting judgmental politically correct claptrap on the subject, trying to impress everyone with his "enlightened" perspective on the matter. I lashed back, "Think for yourself." I am very aware no matter how well I write in this blog, there are true-believer Keynesians, pro-abortion choice, public union backers, neo-cons, etc., whom will never be convinced. Sure, every writer wants to be widely read and influential. It would be nice if some of the writers I cite, like George Will, John Stossel or Don Boudreaux liked some pieces I write, but I'm not holding my breath.

I've only heard from a handful of nieces and nephews whom have read one or more posts. Usually they are very tactful and complimentary without tipping their hand on their own political perspective; they imply they like some stuff, other stuff less so (no specificity). The most recent nephew correspondent seems to have libertarian leanings--familiar readers may recall I embedded an image a few weeks back to the effect of fiscally conservative, socially liberal. I don't think I've influenced his views; as you may recall, Ron Paul's youth support was very strong.

One other thing Jillette says is relevant to me; probably my most significant view shift has been a migration to a more non-interventionist perspective.  To be honest, I always had some nagging doubts starting with Eisenhower's warnings about the military-industrial complex. But I also gave Presidents some benefit of a doubt about information to which I had no access, and I grew up in a military family. I also lost a lot of faith in nation building and a nation under the biggest debt in world history taking on new battles. But I became far more receptive to libertarian critiques of Big Defense.

I knew my nephew was giving me honest feedback when he mentioned some of my commentaries are long-winded. Fair enough.

More Military Family Reunions

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Michael Ramirez and IBD
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Groups Redux

The Beatles, "I Feel Fine". I'm amused that the audio and video below don't quite sync...Yet another #1 hit. The Beatles would continue to chart at will but the height of Beatlemania had to be April 7, 1964 when they booked the top 5 (3 of which were #1) hits and, if I'm not mistaken, 9 of the top 10 overall