
Monday, August 22, 2011

Miscellany: 8/22/11

Quote of the Day

The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.
Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch

A Progressive Talking Point on the Iowa GOP Debate:
Rejection of 10-1 Spending Cut to Tax Increase

I hate with a passion what I see as contrived questions. I didn't comment on this point in my blog before now, but Washington Examiner reporter Byron York, whom I defended for asking a controversial question to Michele Bachmann, asked a hypothetical deal about a potential bipartisan deficit reduction plan promising $10 in cuts for every $1 in new taxes. None of the candidates would accept that deal. You have to see this question in the context of an old George Bernard Shaw joke:
GBS: Madam, would you sleep with me for a million pounds?
Actress: My goodness, Well, I’d certainly think about it.
GBS: Would you sleep with me for a pound?
Actress: Certainly not! What kind of woman do you think I am?!
GBS: Madam, we’ve already established that. Now we are haggling about the price.
Anyone specifying a price--even 10-1--first of all concedes the legitimacy of a progressive talking point of (class warfare) tas cuts from the get go. Never mind we are spending a record percentage of the GDP, and the progressives have yet to propose any serious current year spending cuts against the baselines. Never mind discretionary spending increased by almost 25% last Congress. How is refusal to increase taxes any more ideological than the refusal to rollback spending?

The net effect is for progressives to use that photo opportunity to argue that the GOP/Tea Party is unreasonable and hence negotiation is impossible. I fault York for failing to provide context and not offering a more open-ended discussion of said point. But there was a major point that I wanted to point out here:

We have been there, done that. We have played this game before. Reagan agreed to a 3-1 ratio, but it never happened. Bush agreed to a tax increase, contradicting his "no new taxes" pledge--only  to discover the Democrats actually increased spending as well. So how many times do the Democrats get to play this hypocritical game and not be caught?

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Groups

Bread, "Baby, I'm A Want You"