
Friday, September 24, 2010

Miscellany: 9/24/10

Quote of the Day

He who is firm in will molds the world to himself.
Johann Gottlieb

Carrie's Dad  Eddie Fisher: RIP

I purchased a download of this song a few years back. In honor of Princess Leia's daddy:

Lesbian AF Nurse, Victim of DADT, Reinstated: Thumbs UP, Separate Opinion

There is a current kerfuffle going on between Bill Clinton and Gen. Colin Powell, whom finished his term as chairman of the Joint Chiefs early in Clinton's Presidency. Clinton is no doubt unhappy about being linked with (in today's politics) an unpopular law, despised by gay activists. He sees himself as having provided a Solomonic alternative to an explicit ban on gays in the military; he thinks that Powell misleadingly did a bait-and-switch: sold him on a kinder, gentler policy where gay service personnel would be left alone in pursuing gay activities and relationships so long as they did not imply that the military endorses their lifestyle, e.g., by appearing in uniform at a gay pride parade. Powell responds by accusing Clinton of trying to rewrite history and Clinton needs to accept responsibility on how "don't ask, don't tell" (DADT) was implemented during the remaining 7 years of his Presidency after Powell retired.

I have to say that I'm not knowledgeable of the circumstances of the 14,000 gay service members dismissed since 1994. For me, the issue is one of integrity and military discipline, not the underlying First Amendment issue, freedom to associate, etc. There are specific reasons for wanting to maintain independence in fact and appearance from the public policy process (i.e., politics); government workers obviously haven't given up their right as citizens to vote, but service to the American people should not be tainted by partisan factors. I have mentioned in one or 2 prior posts that I was working as a DBA contractor at National Archives in College Park, MD, and I explicitly heard a civil servant talking to another how they were deferring certain activities or decisions until after prospective President John Kerry assumed office. This was an unconscionable breach of professional ethics, if not illegal.

I would be saying the same thing if Bush supporters had done the same thing to President Bill Clinton. Who do you think most members of the military would have preferred as their Commander in Chief? A former POW whom served a full 20-year career as a Navy officer, or a first-term senator whom fought a successful military strategy in Iraq every step of the way and never served a day in the military? The point is, we expect the same dedication from American soldiers, however unworthy they may personally consider their Commander in Chief; they serve their country first, and they honor the Office of the Presidency, not the fallible leader whom temporarily occupies it.

I think denying gays to pursue happiness is fundamentally un-American, and I think the government has no business being in a gay person's bedroom. But it's disingenuous for gay military members to argue that they are unaware of DADT. If the military was enforcing policy based on circumstances beyond the member's control (e.g., a gay publication outs a service member), that's clearly unfair.

US District Judge Ronald Leighton ruled that 17-year Air Force Major Margaret Witt was unconstitutionally discharged for having been in a long-term lesbian relationship. Fundamentally the case turned on whether the military could prove to the judge's satisfaction that there was a reasonable military purpose for the decision. I object, in the strongest possible terms, to the judge's passionate, politically correct rhetoric which, in my opinion, has no place in the courtroom. I don't know the specifics of Witt's case, but certainly there could be, from a more general perspective, privacy, discipline and morale issues which have to be addressed, distracting management attention from the mission at hand. I certainly don't think the mere fact of Major Witt's relationship was a sufficient reason to discharge her, unless somehow the relationship was interfering with her professional nursing duties in the military.

Chris Christie: America's Favorite Governor. Thumbs Way, Way UP!

The Congressional Dems Are Pulling a Gray Davis on the Bush Tax Cuts...

Governor Gray Davis (D-CA) basically hid information about a prospective huge deficit (with obvious tax-and-spend implications) until after his reelection. And so now we have the moderate and centrist Dems, wary about the progressive leadership in the Congress and White House putting them on the spot wanting to do away with the quarter of Bush tax cuts benefiting American's highest income earners and job creators, paying the lion's share of taxes. In essence, the GOP rightly argues that Obama's tax hikes on the wealthy is business growth crippling. Putting centrist Dems on the spot by forcing them to vote for a tax hike could very well cause them to lose their seats. By putting things off until after the election, as lame ducks or survivors, they evade responsibility for the consequences of their actions. It's fundamentally unfair to the American people and, in my judgment, professionally unethical.

Political Humor

"The premiere of 'Hawaii Five-0' was a great episode. The cops were looking around and they accidentally stumbled upon Obama’s birth certificate." –David Letterman

[Unfortunately, just like the series, it was just a copy of the original...]

"Repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell is supported by 82% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 100% of Ladies Gaga." –Jon Stewart

[Well, Jon, you know where Bill Clinton got his inspiration for the policy: his wedding vows with Hillary.]

Musical Interlude: The American Songbook Series

Jeanne Crain*, "It Might As Well As Be Spring"

(*My collection includes Nina Simone's cover (I couldn't find a video version), but hopefully the movie version of the Rodgers & Hammerstein's classic, State Fair. I am a mark for any R&H musical...)