
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Miscellany: 9/02/10

Quote of the Day
It is only by following your deepest instinct 
that you can lead a rich life, 
and if you let your fear of consequence prevent you 
from following your deepest instinct, 
then your life will be safe, expedient and thin.
Katharine Butler Hathaway

More Reflections on Obama's Iraq Address
As I have said, there were patriots who supported this war, and patriots who opposed it.
This moral equivalence of philosophically opposed points of view is disingenuous and incredibly self-serving, given Obama's basis as the only major Democratic candidate for President whom opposed the war from the get-go. Let me make myself clear: I believe that some of the criticisms of President Bush were legitimate: he really didn't seem to be aware of (or if he was, he didn't particularly care) a strong international opposition to the liberation of Iraq. Certainly, the anti-war zealots were entitled to their point of view and I think they did believe they were acting in the best interests of the US. But a key element of the definition of a patriot is a person whom strongly defends his or her country. There is a qualitative difference between a young person putting his life and health at risk in supporting the nation's mission in Iraq and someone opposing the war on primarily ideological grounds and openly hostile to American policy (e.g., the Dixie Chicks). There were other ways of making his point in a less controversial way, e.g., people on both sides of the issue whom spoke out as a matter of conscience.
And no challenge is more essential to our security than our fight against Al Qaeda.
Let me get this straight: a small group of radicals with limited resources, disorganized, and on the run is more than a challenge than, say, China which has the second largest economy, a growing military, and nuclear weapons? I don't believe that it is prudent  to assign undue importance to Al Qaeda. There are a number of other (non-Islamic) terrorist groups as well.
Now, it is time to turn the page.
Well, yes and no. The uncivil practice of shouting past each other needs to stop. I do think there's the need for a sober post-audit: what did we do right, what we did wrong, and how can we learn from our experience in Iraq. I think we need better national intelligence,  to avoid the practice of nation building, and  to be more assertive in our relationship with the military chiefs, with a shorter leash.

Alan Simpson Just Can't Help Himself

The former Republican senator and a co-chair of the debt commission is now in trouble with liberal vet groups for daring to suggest that everyone will need to make sacrifices in closing the national debt--including sacred cows, like vet and older American groups. So yet another case in terms of progressives attempting to intimidate a conservative voice for daring to challenge a sacred cow in American politics. However provocative Alan Simpson's views are, a far worse situation is progressive groups attempting to intimidate the former senator into silence.

Political Humor

"I guess they had a pretty cordial conversation. President Bush said for the last 19 months, he's been relaxing and playing golf. President Obama said, 'You too?'" –Jay Leno

[My turn, Jay: During their recent phone call, President Bush said he had heard that President Obama was a fellow golfer and asked Obama what his handicap is. Obama said, "Joe Biden..."]

David Letterman's "Top Ten Things Never Before Said In An Oval Office Address"
10. "Gotta keep this short because I'm going on another vacation"
7. "Tonight's Oval Office address has been brought to you by Jimmy Dean Pure Pork Sausages"
2. "Just back from a pleasure trip — took my mother-in-law to the airport. Hiyo!"
1. "Just like most of America, I'd rather be watching 'Glee'"

[My turn, Dave:
10. "I need another vacation. Do you know how hard it is to find the place to sign in a 2000-page bill?"
9. "Do I have enough time to finish my cheeseburger before we go on? Next time keep Bill Clinton away from my fries!"
8. "Can you hear me now?"
7. "Congressional pork: now being served in all 435 districts. We progressives know it's good for you!"
6. "Welcome to the USA telethon. We need to raise money to make this month's payment to China or we'll be charged a late fee and it will go on our credit report."
5. "If you can hear me, raise your hand. There you have it, Madam Speaker: 218 votes..."
4. "There was a priest, a rabbi, and an iman...."
3. "And now, without further ado, let me bring out my first guest from the Fox News Channel: Glenn Beck!"
2. "You think that 10-year-old opera singer Jackie Evancho is something? Wait until you hear my hip hop versions of Puccini!"
1. "I was wrong, I didn't know better, I'm sorry, and I take full responsibility for my mistakes."]

Musical Interlude: The American Songbook Series

Alice Faye*, "You'll Never Know"

(* My collection featured a different artist)