
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Miscellany: 9/11/10 We Remember Always

Quote of the Day

At one glance I love you With a thousand hearts.
Mihri Hatun

Obama's 9/11 Speech: (A Rare) Thumbs UP!

The highest honor we can pay those we lost, indeed our greatest weapon in this ongoing war, is to do what our adversaries fear the most -- to stay true to who we are, as Americans; to renew our sense of common purpose; to say that we define the character of our country...[The perpetrators of this evil act] doubted our will, but as Americans we persevere...We will do what is necessary to protect our country, and we honor all those who serve to keep us safe...They are no match for our resilience...We have chosen to build, [on] the inherent goodness of the American people...As Americans, we will keep alive the virtues and values that make us who we are and who we must always be,...the very unity, the very ideals, that make America America -- those qualities that have made us a beacon of freedom and hope to billions around the world...For our cause is just. Our spirit is strong. Our resolve is unwavering. Like generations before us, let us come together today and all days to affirm certain inalienable rights, to affirm life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness. On this day and the days to come, we choose to stay true to our best selves -- as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

9/11 Memorial Songs

One of the more remarkable aspects of 9/11 is that some of the victims, courtesy of modern communications technology, were aware, in general terms, of what was about to happen, and were able to reach out one last time to their loved ones, to say their goodbyes, to reaffirm their eternal love. I knew about the obvious pop songs that came out in the aftermath of 9/11 and recently searched for lists of tunes, among others, this webpage.  It could be I'm the only one whom is not familiar with the page's first recommendation, Kristy Jackson's song, embedded below. My personal thumbs UP!

Feature Video: Kristy Jackson, "Little Did She Know (She Kissed a Hero)"  (lyrics)

Website: Thumbs UP!

I find the brief webclips on this website very well done (including the vignettes on 9/11 and one of my favorites, the American eagle). (They are also on Facebook.)

Political Humor

More originals:

  • Notice lately how Obama seems to be obsessed with cars in ditches, automatic transmissions, and car keys? I guess things aren't going well in his oversight of Government Motors...It's all part of his new economic plan: if he can lure enough people into buying globally uncompetitive American-made cars, he can drive down unemployment among auto mechanics....
  • The federal investigation is still ongoing in the case of last year's Sasha Obama milk spill incident. The FDA has considered a moratorium on all new dairies, Michelle Obama has imposed new restrictions on drinks away from the dining room table and her school lunch mandates at all family meals, the White House kitchen staffers are pointing fingers over whom set the table and whom filled the glass and to what level, the FBI is looking into why towels weren't in the immediate vicinity of the dining room table, and President Obama has decreed a new milk tax on dairy producers to cover the costs of future milk spills. In the meanwhile, BP is being consulted on designing Sasha a spill-proof sippy glass, but its first attempt to cap the glass resulted in significant milk dribbles.

Musical Interlude: The American Songbook Series

Glenn Miller, "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square"