Colombia said it would only accept their deported citizens under dignified circumstances. Trump had a Trumper tantrum. Trump's response? Tariffs: "I'm going to punish you by stealing money from your American customers!" Someone needs to sue RINO Felon Trump. No power of the purse
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 26, 2025
What's going on? Has McGraw become the court shrink? It seems like he is just another Trumpkin enabler.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
"Dr. Phil"
Comey, unlike RINO Felon Trump, was a lifelong Republican until Trump fired him because Trump wanted him to be his bitch vs. his duty to the Constitution.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
Trumpkins are upset that Colombia demands its citizens be returned with dignity by Xenophobe Trump. So. patriotically correct Trumpkins want to boycott tasty Colombian cottee. I'm used to buycotts against leftist boycotts, but am delighted to purchase only Colombian coffee
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
It's Amateur Day for foreign policy in the Oval Office as Trump fails to understand Mideast 101. It's incomprehensible how incompetent Trump is. He actually tried tp resettle Gaza Palestinians in Egypt and Jordan. https://t.co/XShHhaIC5K
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
The sad truth is Trump's weaponizing our tax system to extort foreign leaders on the surface seems to have worked over deportations to Colombia. It just reinforces Trump's outlaw behavior. He doesn't understand a robust Colombian economy eases the migration issue.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
Trump's Friday Night Massacre on inspectors general is just part of his corrupt attempts to reinstate Jackson's spoils system, like in the Comey firing. inspectors general are supposed to be independent; I think Obama made a case for 1 IG. I don't believe Trump had cause for 12.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
RINO Felon Trump is knowingly breaking the law just 1 week into his new term. By law, Trump had to advise Congress 30 days before firing an inspector general with detailed cause. There was no due diligence; he just thinks he has an absolute right to replace any federal employee
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
I still recall my shock and horror in high school seeing haunting videos from concentration camp liberations, emaciated prisoners, piles of dead bodies, etc. Never again!https://t.co/9LRDW4myq3
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
Dealing with the God-awful Trump regime is like constantly having to play Whac-a-Mole--the stupidity is everywhere. It's one thing to put an end to government culturally-based propaganda; it's another thing to engage in discrimination against trans-gender service members.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
I saw a heartbreaking CNN clip of a middle-aged Latina dealing with Trump's stormtroopers seizing her father who has lived here working for 3 decades, no crime record. If you have lived here for 3 decades, you're an American, full stop. It is morally unjustifiable to deport them
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
Partisan Dems are mocking Trump for not bringing down the price of eggs. Well, nothing he can do to increase the supply of healthy egg-bearing hens in the short run. But I remember the sugar and coffee price highs in the 70's. In fact, the former led Coca-Cola to use HFCS.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
My local Lidl is limiting purchases of egg cartons to 2 per visit. (First limit i have seen since the early pandemic.) They have a posted price of just under $4 a large size dozen, but relevant shelves were sold out. You could buy pricier premium brands, XL eggs or 18-packs.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
Trump is using self-serving predictable BS to rationalize sacking over a dozen IG's, arguing complaints and precedents. Reagan & Bush 41 did fire some but reinstated many if not most. Trump did this before, i think in 2019. Of course people caught with fingers in the cookie jar☹️
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
This xenophobic troll merits special mention for stupidity.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
If indeed Arizona couldn't be any stupider, punishing unauthorized aliens by outlawing the American dream--job-producing businesses serving goods and services demanded by Arizonan consumers! https://t.co/Jvap0aCm7c
No, Trump's stormtroopers are guilty of crimes against humanity. I wonder if they try to step into the wrong Chicago neighborhood... These bigot Trumpkins have no right to violate my free associations. I'm sure filmed interactions in schools & churches will backfire on Trump. https://t.co/kJsaeOoIM6
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
I'm not sure if fans are more upset with the AFC refs or Travis Kelce scoring with Taylor Swift.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
There is no such thing as "Fort Bragg". There is Ft. Liberty in NC.https://t.co/oa1QjoCz3J
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 27, 2025
When Google Maps substitutes the patriotically correct name R|NO Felon Trump pulled out of his ass for the centuries-old Gulf of Mexico, I've lost a lot of respect for Google and its products. It needs to put this crap out in a Trumpkin edition for the intellectually disabled
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
Correct. Children born in America of aliens were considered citizens in our legal system based on English common law, except for foreign diplomats or military (re: subject to the jurisdiction). There was an exception for slaves, hence the citizenship clause of the 14th amendment https://t.co/VfDqfMKiUu
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
DeSantis, unlike that grossly incompetent bozo Hegseth, was 50X better. Trumpkin idiots like OP just resent DeSantis for his earlier failed GOP candidate alternative to RINO Felon Trump. Hegseth is over his head which is exactly what Trump wanted for his dumbass puppet
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
Trump's utter corruption continues as his Banana Republic puppets terminate lawyers who worked on the overwhelming evidence for the federal criminal cases of RINO Felon Trump.https://t.co/lMfTuEZLAi
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
If Tulsi Gabbard walks back her position against FISA Section 702, she loses the support of us libertarians.https://t.co/ELJWjXnHcZ
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
Catholic Charities is the fourth largest US charity with a budget of $14B. it serves all immigrants in need: legal, refugees, and stranded others in need of food, shelter, and clothing, in line with our practice of living our faith and values https://t.co/OseHCD7VQ8
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
Catholic Charities is the 4th largest charity with about a $14B budget, financed largely by domestic Catholics, 20-23% of Americans. No not by the Vatican which has some pricey real estate and art treasures but is cash-poor largely funded by modest admission fees & Peter's pence.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
My X post crashed. I was responding to an anti-Catholic bigot post with a purported secretly shot 2019 video showing Catholic Charities vans allegedly carrying unauthorized aliens. She implied it was probably being financed by the Vatican.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
Some things like emergency health care and public K-12 schools may be available without regard to legal status. The school issue is based on Plyler v. Doe, a 1982 Supreme Court decision.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
These Trumpkin bigots also ignore that unauthorized aliens are taxpayers.
According to CNN, Oklahoma Trumpkins are proposing a restriction on enrolling school kids based on legal status. I had just posted a tweet noting SCOTUS decided against this in 1982. Trumpkins don't care about violating US law, just like Trump on IGs https://t.co/ZHRzADVxKi
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
Trumpkins don't like committee member votes on Gabbard may be secret so Trump can bully Republicans opposing Gabbard. Never mind they don't give a damn Trump can spy on them without their knowledge or consent.Gabbard is walking back her opposition to win votes
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
RINO Felon Trump's corrupt crime spree continues. He's rewarding his personal layers to plum DoJ spots (a form of nepotism), and his puppets are firing career government lawyers assigned to the special counsel's {independent, not Biden) investigation of Trump's crimes. Unethical!
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
The Trump freeze on federal grants and loans is not unlike his former criminal freeze on Ukraine aid he himself signed into law. In this case, we're talking about Trump tacitly assuming he has the power of the purse. He needs Congressional approval.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
Now thanks to Google, we'll never locate the bodies Trump buried in the Gulf of Mexico. #sarcasm
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
That's right. We know what to do: frequent businesses with enlightened employment processes. Government must not itself discriminate, but it shouldn't meddle in business internal matters. https://t.co/3Lx5hnpWL9
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
I remember trying to Google who the dude was and actually running across a webpage of immigrant lawyers over whether one can get deported on driving without a license. Trump loves giving lawyers more work.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
I don't comment much on Musk, but he's his worst enemy. I don't have a clue why he's meddling in European politics (has he learned anything about celebrities meddling in politics? It's bad for business.) but telling Germans they shouldn't obsess over Auschwitz? Are you kidding?
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
I got so annoyed at Trump's new press secretary, who gushed over Trump's BS with reporters, that I put CNN on mute. Talk about putting lipstick on a pig, although Trump is so old, he's going to need more makeup than her lipstick.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
I'm so used to Peter Doocy trending after Biden pressers. I seriously doubt the Trumpkin put the new press secretary on the spot. He would probably ask how Trump feels about having his best approval ratings ever. Forget those pesky questions about Trump's illegal firings of IGs.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
Nope. I was also Never Biden and never bought into the Russia conspiracy, but Trump brought that on himself by asking Russia for Clinton's missing emails and having Junior meet with Russians for dirt on Clinton. But the impeachments and lawsuits were valid.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
The allegation of "destroyed evidence" is knowingly false. 'In a footnote to that [Loudermilk] letter, Thompson explained, “the Select Committee did not archive temporary committee records that were not elevated by the Committee’s actions"https://t.co/bUPxvh5BS2
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
I've already pointed out how Trump has not learned how Eisenhower solved the 1950's problem: by legalizing temporary workers. Unauthorized entries dropped like about 90%. Tough barriers without right to return leads many to stay in the US, want to bring their families over.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
I'm glad I didn't hear that dumbass new press secretary shrug off the question of aliens other than violent criminals swept up by saying all unauthorized aliens are criminals against immigration law. She thinks she's being "smart".
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
One news report: over a dozen Navajos detained
Remember how Trump scuttled the first successful Senate immigration compromise in years because he didn't want Biden getting political credit on immigration, his signature issue before the election? Instead we have a toddler in the White House saying "I can do it all by myself."
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 28, 2025
Trump's golden age is iron pyrite. #sarcasm
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 29, 2025
I recall reading some article years before Trump's abysmal political career where the writer noted even back then Trump was obsessed with an ostentatious appearance of wealth to impress others. Maybe it was Trump's penthouse with golf-plated (not solid gold) fixtures.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 29, 2025
I was the first of 7 grandkids for Mémère, also my godmother. Mom was just 22 and expecting her third child when her mom passed. Like Madonna, she was born with her mother's given name but never used it (it's a French thing); she went by her middle name and legally changed it.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) <a href="https://twitter.com/raguillemette/status/1884425049525928304?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 29, 2025Thoughts and prayers for the victims (hopefully survivors) of that flight from Wichita and the military helicopter over the Potomac in the DC area.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 30, 2025
I was especially worried because a close relative lives in the Wichita area. (They were home.)
Sore Loser Trump was mentally unstable after he lost the election. The last thing we needed at the time was a preemptive attack from another nuclear power. the proof of the pudding was no war between the 2 powers. How Trump and his Trumpkins morph this into "treason" is absurd.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 29, 2025
You would think if anyone would approve the purchase of condoms, it's Trump: have you seen his kids? I would have stopped after Junior. On the other hand, Stormy Daniels said he didn't use one during their affair. No doubt like every man, he complains they reduce his pleasure.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 29, 2025
The issue is the nature and extent of Netanyahu's response to an essentially defenseless civilian population. And neither Israel nor the US is holding Netanyahu responsible. The Congressional GOP unconditionally backs the hardline Israeli government which rejects two states .
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 29, 2025
Another idea is to ask our British allies if they would consider renaming The Courtauld Gallery room showing the self portrait of van Gogh with bandaged ear after Trump.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 29, 2025
Reuters already has the first net Trump disapproval of his new term, down to 45% approval, below his 49.8% vote share last November. The problem is that Presidential actions have been so prolific it's not obvious why it's dropping. Two other polls show at 50 or or so, but dipping
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 29, 2025
I knew Trump desperately wanted a Fed rate cut to give the economy a boost and he didn't get it. The Fed isn't seeing enough progress on controlling inflation or a deteriorating job environment. The latter might signal a deflationary drop in demand.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 29, 2025
I'm so fed up with Cherokee Lizzie and other progressive populists constantly bitching about job rotation between industry and government, politicians who invest well, etc.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 30, 2025
Big Government is an intrinsic source of corruption. Regulations add to costs, limit competition. https://t.co/qWOr6lqIz3
As if conspiracy theorists didn't have enough to do, you now have people trying to question the coincidence between last night's airline crash and the timing of Tonya Harding's appearance on X.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 30, 2025
Trump is ignoring the elephant in the room, that the military helicopter was on a training flight. He is scapegoating air traffic controllers. What a scapegoating asshole!
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 30, 2025
Oh, Jesus! RINO Felon Trump is clearly trying to blame Biden for allegedly hiring unqualified air traffic controllers, suggesting they are responsible for the collision.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 30, 2025
First of all, Trump has not hired "smart" people. Just consider Dumbass Hegseth.
I had an academic career and published empirical research. We do not ramble beyond what the data show. Trump was totally bluffing about things he has zero evidence about less than 24 hours. I have professional integrity. I don't do that; I'll point out I'm not a lawyer, etc
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 30, 2025
Why are Republicans so nasty to lifelong Republican Comey when RINO Felon Trump fired him for not agreeing to being his bitch vs loyalty to the Constitution?
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 30, 2025
"Kennedy filed his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination on April 5, 2023"
Democrats don't like converts
It's funny when Trump has a presser where he talks about how hard it is to hire really smart people. Well, we are willing to work but not for the likes of him. he confuses personal with professional loyalty and he holds grudges to the point of destroying their lives.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 30, 2025
Earlier Tulsi Gabbard: "Donald Trump’s decision in 2020 to authorize the killing of Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani as an “illegal and unconstitutional act of war” "
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 30, 2025
Trump should have been impeached then.
Contrast that to the Canadian/Indian dispute last fall:
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 30, 2025
"[A]gents working out of India’s high commission in Ottawa and consulates in Vancouver and Toronto were allegedly behind dozens of violent crimes across Canada that targeted opponents of the Narendra Modi government" immune
Ask me what I think about Tom Woods, Peter St. Onge or other dimwits who get the 14th Amendment wrong. English common law established birthright citizenship except for slaves. It was applied before the Civil War, e.g., in NY. What the amendment did was remove the slave exclusion.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 30, 2025
Contrast that to the Canadian/Indian dispute last fall:
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 30, 2025
"[A]gents working out of India’s high commission in Ottawa and consulates in Vancouver and Toronto were allegedly behind dozens of violent crimes across Canada that targeted opponents of the Narendra Modi government" immune
I guarantee the birthright deniers have not read the following 1844 NY decision discussed in the 1866 hearings of the 14th Amendment. It specifically held US citizenship of a baby born to any alien parents.https://t.co/B4xx9YXF3n pic.twitter.com/DKejciSXzS
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 30, 2025
I'm getting tired of posting about historical illiteracy of Trumpkins, including Trump, about birthright citizenship. He just lied about it again in a presser. Birthright citizenship was not started by the 14th Amendment; it was part of inherited English common law.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 30, 2025
WWE's Paul Levesque shares a similar Franco-American heritage, i.e., Quebec (there are Levesque's in my family tree, no relation). It drives me nuts when Anglo wrestling media hosts pronounce the silent 's'. https://t.co/WcU3NguHg3
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
Another example of Trump blowing his reelection capital is this Kabuki theater at the border. The headlines of waves of unauthorized aliens swamping the border and planes of migrants to Martha's Vineyard are old news. He should be closing a Senate deal on DACA and the border.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
At least 3 new RCP polls below 50% approval, include a second (Gallup) at net disapproval (-1). He's not going to listen to me now, but he's got an inverse problem from Biden; he's oversaturating the airwaves, and part of the problem is he is creating uncertainty, making errors
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
Gallup points out that Trump's initial job approvals (the only sub-50) are the lowest in recent history.https://t.co/Zge8wjH26n pic.twitter.com/94n8Q7Vai9
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
Retaliatory tariffs will cost US jobs. Not to mention is a large percentage of imports are not final consumer products but go into US products. This translates into higher costs, less competitive products. You see, Tariff Man is grossly economic illiterate & sabotaging the US.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
The RINO Felon Trump does not have the constitutional authority to do any of this.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
"The United States of America has been a WTO member since 1 January 1995 and a member of GATT since 1 January 1948."
As part of international law (and US law) Trump's trade wars are illegal. https://t.co/3B1rEEieSg
Trump flunked Econ 101, Ethics 101, Constitution 101, Diplomacy 101, Crisis 101, Leadership 101, and Middle East 101.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
The Bonehead-in-Chief has no clue that all he is doing by scapegoating air traffic controllers and their training and competence is undermining public trust in our transportation system. Real leaders don't exacerbate a crisis.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
If I was going to do a dumbass Trump observation like injecting virus-killing cleaners, I might wonder why jets don't have something comparable to my car's blindspot monitoring technology, sensors alerting me to passing pedestrians or vehicles when I back out of a parking spot
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
Interesting observation. After initial attesting to the competence and experience of the military helicopter pilots in the collision, we are hearing even Trump suggesting the helicopter was flying at the wrong altitude and had veered off course. Trump not discussing DEI pilots.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
I remember going to my first MLB game shortly after moving to Houston in 1979. The Astros had signed Nolan Ryan (happy birthday!) for the 1980 season. i think Ryan was about 8K's shy of 3000 so my little brother and I went to the game hoping to see him get it. Nope.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
I think it's a feast day for leftists on X. Chuck Todd is finally leaving NBC.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
How does Trump's tariffs/trade wars hurt the US economy? Here's a 2018 example after Trump's steel tariffs from Cafe Hayek's Don Boudreaux: pic.twitter.com/wDj1u6RhAK
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
Why do I call RINO Felon Trump Hoover 2.0 (remember the Great Depression)?https://t.co/HYRxPTBv2R pic.twitter.com/6v8bRII2kO
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
How many Trumpkins ever noticed Trump's childish conceptual misunderstanding of the trade deficit actually exacerbated his "problem"?
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
From Politico: pic.twitter.com/FPhZPb99Rh
News sources report companies & consumers are rushing to beat Trump's tariff increases on Canada & Mexico goods (which will be immediately countered, costing American jobs) reportedly to start tomorrow. This will lead to inflationary Trump taxes on everything from produce to cars
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
My latest essay summarizes my thoughts on the late President. A lot of it is autobiographical because I had volunteered in my first and last campaign (which to some people may be more interesting than my later assessment of his term in office)https://t.co/6KchzUWRLn
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
Hearing Trump talki is infuriating for any intelligent person because every gd thing he says is dead wrong. I could literally write 50 pages on what he says in 5 minutes. He thinks in slow motion, predictable as hell, and you're dying for Cher to slap the taste out of his mouth.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
Trump somehow is trying to rationalize fentanyl into rhe tariff situation. Oh, he also continues to scapegoat migrants. The fact is nuch of it is smuggled in by ordinary Americans.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 31, 2025
From Cato Institute: pic.twitter.com/OyZRcZZ6Yl
It's good to hear the California wildfires are finally contained. I have a nephew, a talented engineer who works for one of Musk's businesses and whose family lives in the general area. Thoughts and prayers for the fire survivors and the hard road to rebuilding their homes.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) February 1, 2025
Granted, the tragic circumstances of the DC flight collision are not funny, but jokes at the expense of Trump incompetently speculating about the cause are. Bill Maher understands how Trump's mind works: the Haitian air traffic controller was too preoccupied with eating his cat
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) February 1, 2025
For once I agree with Cruz. But it'll never happen:
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) February 1, 2025
'Trump’s tariffs could be a ‘catastrophic mistake': Economist Thomas Sowell" https://t.co/jxPJhmjJe3
Trump's unethical promise to reinstate military who left the service rather than comply with fit for duty vaccine mandates undermines his credibility as Commander in Chief and his credit for the development of vaccines on his watch.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) February 1, 2025
The WWW women's Rumble was entertaining. i particularly liked Jordynne Grace's body slam of Piper Niven and Maxxine Dupri's reverse caterpillar. The crowd popped for the returns of Alexa Bliss, Nikki Bella, and winner Charlotte Flair.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) February 2, 2025
The economically illiterate buffoon RINO Felon Trump has started unprovoked trade wars with our 3 biggest trading partners, Mexico, Canada and China. Not only is this a Trump tax hike on lower/middle class consumers, but the trade war will lower economic growth and cost US jobs.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) February 2, 2025
Well, that was a swerve. The WWE Street Profits turned heel, costing the Motor City Machine Guns their rematch to regain the tag team titles. They then took out the DIY champs. Not surprised they turned heel but the way they did it.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) February 2, 2025
If you think ObamaCare is bad, just wait until the Dems try to supersize Canada's nationalized healthcare system.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) February 2, 2025
Entertaining WWE Men's Rumble. Lots of highlights; i liked Bron Breakker initially winning the Battle of Spears with Reigns. Sometimes what happens after elimination is noteworthy: Rollins v Reigns at Mania? Unexpected but nice to see Cena give the rub to winner Jey Uso.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) February 2, 2025
Dumbass memes. Fauci is a patriot, did not commit a crime and to the best of my knowledge did not request a preemptive pardon. Biden seemed to be motivated by RINO Felon Trump's Banana Republic politics https://t.co/QhhssSGLBN
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) February 2, 2025
No, you economically illiterate clown. Yes, Canada and Mexico have smaller economies, but tariffs are taxes on on lower/middle-class American consumers, who are still coping with higher inflation and already deep in debt. This will lower growth and cost American jobs.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) February 2, 2025
Minority Leader Schumer is Jewish and committed to Israel's defense. Israel's response to Oct. 7 has had a disproportionate effect on defenseless civilians; there must be accountability. https://t.co/Ak2T4qF0eb
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) February 2, 2025
The only question is how long will a GOP-controlled Congress let an imperial President usurp their power of the purse at their political cost. Trump is a lame duck. He will not be on next year's elections--they will.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) February 2, 2025
Wrong, asshole economically-illiterate Trumpkin. I am a libertarian-conservative, like Amash, Rand Paul, and Massie.https://t.co/sQ3qAEXcS2
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) February 2, 2025