
Sunday, February 2, 2025

Post #7114 M: The Government Can GIVE Your Home to Developers; Abuse of “Birthright Citizenship”; ALERT: Trump LITERALLY appointed a REPUBLICAN!!!

 Quote of the Day

Being ignorant is not so much a shame, 
as being unwilling to learn.
Benjamin Franklin  

The Government Can GIVE Your Home to Developers

Abuse of “Birthright Citizenship”

Okay, I'm done with Peter St. Onge as a source. Too many bad Trumpkin opinions,  It's bad enough I had to write 2 or 3 comments on a similar McClanahan YouTube video on birthright citizenship. Jus soli is the rule not the exception in the Western Hemisphere. St. Onge does pay lip service to diplomats and foreign armies. I've tweeted these facts: birthright citizenship has its origins in English common law; and its confirmation for children regardless of parents' status is confirmed in case law at least 20 years before the 14th amendment. What the amendment took care of was an omission on common law for slaves. Peter's analysis of  social welfare net is high misleading; unauthorized aliens have no claims on any benefits; we have needs -based access for emergency healthcare, SCOTUS ruled in 1982 that public schools must be available to all; maybe US children are able to draw some benefits, and unauthorized workers must pay taxes. 


Choose Life

Musical Interlude: 1960 Top 100 Hits

The Everly Brothers - Cathy's Clown (#3)