Quote of the Day
I got a fortune cookie that said, "To remember is to understand."
I have never forgotten it.
A good judge remembers what it was like to be a lawyer.
A good editor remembers being a writer.
A good parent remembers what it was like to be a child.
Anna Quindlen
Flock's Creepy Surveillance System Coming to a City Near You
Why Public Mass Transit Keeps Going Off-Track
Fake Social Security Bankruptcy
There is some merit to his critique of the pay-go system, but there's no doubt that tips feed into payroll taxes and lower payroll taxes, all things being equal, means a faster drawdown of the reserve. St. Onge makes a supply side argument that lower costs (like lower employee costs from the employer match) can stimulate growth--new jobs new payroll tax revenues. for PAYGO I'm somewhat skeptical of this growth claim. Trump's tax gimmick will lead to new ways to maximize tip income relative to total compensation. For example, some restaurants automatically surcharge you for tips, which is a problem if you get bad service. He's somewhat disingenuous at the end. True social security reserve drawdowns don't add to the fiscal deficit in the short run but if we don't reform entitlements sooner than later, when the reserves are liquidated, granny gets lower checks unless the government doesn't make up the difference from other revenues.
Choose Life
Musical Interlude: 1960 Top 100 Hits
Percy Faith - Theme From A Summer Place (#1). Note this is based on Billboard EOY compilations.i may not choose certain hirs based on video availability or personal preference