
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Post #6823 M: Nobel Economists Attack Trump; Tackling More of Robert Reich’s ‘Economic Myths’; SOHO Forum: Austrian vs. Chicago economics

 Quote of the Day

There are many who dare not kill themselves 
for fear of what the neighbors will say.
Cyril Connolly 

 Nobel Economists Attack Trump

Here Peter gets a little too partisan; he doesn't really bring the evidence. Growth was subpar during the Trump years, and I think there was a lagging effect of Trump's pandemic superspending

Tackling More of Robert Reich’s ‘Economic Myths’

 SOHO Forum: Austrian vs. Chicago economics

 Choose Life

 Political Cartoon


Coutesy of Gary Varvel via Townhall

Musical Interlude: Duos

"Rock And Roll Heaven", Righteous Brothers