
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Post #6671 M: Retail Crime is WORSE Than You Thought; McClanahan on A Victory for Texas! ; Congress wants higher Inflation

 Quote of the Day

The job of supposed intellectuals is to combat over simplification or reductionism
and to say, well actually, it's more complicated than that. 
At least that is part of the job. 
However, you must have noticed how often certain complexities are introduced as a means of obfuscation. 
Here it becomes necessary to ply with glee the celebrated razor of old Occam, 
dispose of unnecessary assumptions, 
and proclaim that actually, things are less complicated than they appear.
Christopher Hitchens  

Retail Crime is WORSE Than You Thought

McClanahan on A Victory for Texas!

Congress wants higher Inflation

Choose Life

Musical Interlude: Duets

Marvin Gaye Tammi Terrell "You're All I Need To Get By"