
Friday, March 3, 2023

Post #6136 M: Jacob Hornberger on Trump Non-Pardons; White People Who Say They Hate White People; McClanahan on The Real Thomas Jefferson

 Quote of the Day

Great is the road I climb, 
but the garland offered by an easier effort 
is not worth the gathering.
Sextus Propertius  

Jacob Hornberger on Trump Non-Pardons

Well, I differ on Snowden. Snowden stole information against contact without a need to know. Interesting take here; Biden is the incumbent and hasn't pardoned them either. Why is Jacob targeting Trump?

White People Who Say They Hate White People

McClanahan on The Real Thomas Jefferson

Choose Life

Musical Interlude: #1 Hits of 2003

Ludacris, "Stand Up" ft. Shawnna