
Thursday, December 29, 2022

Post #6046 M: McClanahan on Abolish the Senate; The Speech Police; The Libertarian Year in Review

 Quote of the Day

Experience teaches slowly 
and at the cost of mistakes.
James A. Froude

McClanahan on Abolish the Senate

The Speech Police

The Libertarian Year in Review

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Robert Ariail via Townhall

Musical Interlude; The Holidays

Lindsey Stirling, "O Holy Night"

This has become my favorite new track of this holiday season. So much so I licensed the song yesterday. Longtime readers may recall my seventh grade French class did a performance of Le Jongleur de Notre Dame and at the climax, when the statue of the Blessed Virgin comes to life in tribute to the gift of the mocked juggler's skills, we sang "Minuit Chrétien". (As a Franco-American, I still prefer the version in my first language.) This compelling version comes from a former AGT contestant, and the brilliant video beautifully integrates scenes from "The Chosen".