The level of personal animosity towards Rubio, even as he supported public confidence in vaccinations, is palpable. There is a lot of blame to go around in government, especially in early testing. As for attacking public figures being vaccinated, nearly 2M doses.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
"Marco Rubio"
Even Newsweek points out Rubio's criticism is correct:
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
- Fauci initially wanted to prevent a run on N95 masks and downplayed wearing masks
- Fauci has raised percentage required for herd immunity by about 15%
Not that the Dems care about the increasingly insolvent social security and Medicare programs. Their "solution"? Soak the rich. There aren't enough rich people to finance trillions of obligations. So they'll probably try to monetize it. Inflation taxes lower-income people, too.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
Of course, Will rightfully points out that senior entitlements will blow up in less than 15 years; Trump didn't give a shit because he wouldn't be POTUS then, and entitlement reform is radioactively unpopular.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
Really, this uncivil exchange between progressives and Trumpkins on Twitter is hard to read and tiresome. Not to take sides, but this tendency of progressives to paint Melania Trump as the First Lady of Porn exposes them as disgusting human beings.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
I'm familiar with this study, but note it was near the end of the initial Wuhan wave. Symptomatic individuals do not explain the rapid spread. Most evidence shows asymptomatic carriers infect, but at a lower rate.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
Not a fan with how Trump handled this, which undermined his Congressional GOP base. Moreover, it's hard to see an alternative that could pass Congress.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
"Donald Trump signs COVID-19 relief bill and avoids a looming government shutdown"
The very fact of asymptomatic carriers suggested they were infected/reinfected somehow. "But these findings do not show that the virus can't be passed on by asymptomatic carriers."
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
I remember Olive Garden--before I went low carb. And even Olive Garden's pasta tastes better than my shirataki noodles.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
"Olive Garden"
"White supremacist terrorism" is ideological claptrap. What the hell leads you to that conclusion? I heard no evidence of a burning cross in the wreckage; he wasn't targeting a black church or a soul food restaurant. Dimwit progressives read racism into everything.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
Suicide bombers USUALLY are trying to create more victims. It could be that the perpetrator is this case intended to get away. They are still reviewing the evidence. You're trying to read ideological crap into premature conclusions.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
He wouldn't make it a mystery. He would want the world to know his reasons. How do you know he intended to kill himself?
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
Make no mistake: this was an evil criminal act by a monstrous man. I'm just annoyed at people trying to score ideological points based on limited information from an ongoing investigation.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
Oh my God. Now Trump is going to whine about why the US can't throw troublesome journalists into prison like China can. #China
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
Well, Fauci has made mistakes, but a politician trying to scapegoat a career scientist for the pandemic is absurd. What Rubio needs to investigate is how the hell the CDC botched early COVID testing.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
"Marco Rubio"
Jill Biden would have you know, like Barbara Boxer, she earned her title. I've had my fill of idiots lately like Chris Wallace confusing an EdD with a PhD. So this is a different twist on the current kerfuffle.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 28, 2020
This is Soft Rock America. Here is a track from Paul McCartney's #1 new album:
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
Progressives have no problem voting to spend other people's money.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
"House votes to increase COVID-19 stimulus payments to $2,000"
It's just sad how Trump lies and doesn't expect to get caught.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
Celebrities are economically illiterate buffoons. What is wrong with American world-leading healthcare and pharmaceuticals is not the market but government intervention.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
The guy standing next to warmonger Obama?
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
Well, let's be clear: normalization among Israel and the Arab states is a good step forward. I would be more impressed if we saw more progress on Palestinian issues, an end to unconstitutional US bombing/drone strikes, and a reduced military base footprint overseas.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
What's surprising is not that Barry Obama is Gallup's most admired man in America, but another political whore, the disgraceful impeached lame duck Trump, replaced him. Me, I'm more impressed with vaccine developers or entrepreneurs like Elon Musk.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
"Obama's 12"
Not surprised that a corrupt economically illiterate political whore like Comrade Bernie wants to steal from future taxpayers in an act of shameless, irresponsible demagoguery. It's Bankruptcy-in-Chief Trump, who has added more than $7.5T debt, started this.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
"Bernie Sanders"
There is no such thing as a free lunch (no matter what Comrade Bernie tells you). When is America going to learn the Roman lesson from bread and circuses demagoguery? Sooner or later, America is going to suffer from the burden of unsustainable debt.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
"Bernie Sanders"
Trump claimed that Liz Cheney sought to tie his hands from troop withdrawals as one of his 3 reasons for the veto. Are there statutory restrictions?
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
I can understand why the Georgia US senators, running against Santa Claus in the runoffs next week, might want to avoid the Scrooge type perception of principled fiscal conservatism. But why should anyone be surprised 6-time bankruptcy Trump opened Pandora's box?
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
Now we understand why Trump was out-pandering Dems. It was all a ruse for a quid pro quo for eliminating Section 230 and for his election agenda. For me it was a no before his $2K gimmick.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
"McConnell blocks Senate vote on $2,000 COVID-19 payments following House approval"
Economically illiterate progressive hacks are all the same. Never mind the fact that political whores like Newsom kill the average Joe family with shutdowns, but Reiner wants to pretend that stealing from our grandchildren is a good thing.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
McConnell hasn't stopped Trump from adding over $7T to the national debt, but at least he's stopped the fiscal insanity of pickpocketing our grandchildren.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
LMAO. Are they simply trying to portray Trump as Benedict Arnold or is Benedict on Trump's lame duck pardon list?
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 29, 2020
"Benedict Arnold"
Apparently Cheney's legacy among "progressives" is his having shot a friend by accident. Imagine not being his friend...
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 30, 2020
"Dick Cheney"
Comrade Bernie's commiecrats are upset that Durbin doesn't want to jeopardize the first and likely only override of a Trump veto.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 30, 2020
"Dick Durbin"
"Progressive" Twitter haters are demonstrating why Senator Collins won reelection and why it wasn't even close.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 30, 2020
"Susan Collins"
The tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic touches lives across America. My thoughts and prayers for the Congressman-elect's widow and their surviving children.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 30, 2020
"Louisiana Congressman-elect Luke Letlow dies of COVID-19 complications, aged 41"
"Progressives" are repetitive and generally scientifically illiterate. They said the same bullshit about Herman Cain. Cloth masks generally help against respiratory symptoms of infected people but not against airborne infection. For all we know, he caught it at the supermarket.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 30, 2020
Hopefully we'll see prompt approval from the FDA. Notice this vaccine has the advantage of working with ordinary refrigeration of doses.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 30, 2020
"Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine approved for use in the UK"
I take strong exception to these presumptuous assumptions by progressives over how Herman Cain and Luke Letlow got infected by COVID-19. The fact is, thousands of people have gotten infected DESPITE mask wearing, social distancing, and good hygiene.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 30, 2020
"Herman Cain"
Somehow your momma didn't teach you two wrongs don't make a right. So progressives, like you, don't say, "My bad! I shouldn't be a goddamn hypocrite for criticizing Trump if I don't criticize Abrams."
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 30, 2020
Fake "President" invents a fake "brother" for the Republican Georgia Secretary of State.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 30, 2020
Read the ninth amendment, moron. The Constitution is not an enumerated list of freedoms. The legislature and the rest of government, in fact, has enumerated powers. There's no fucking provision for a mask mandate.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 30, 2020
Uncle Sam isn't your crazy old uncle you're nice to because you hope he'll leave you something in his will. Your crazy uncle earned REAL money. Uncle Sam is borrowing from future taxpayer earnings--and those don't have a say in how you're spending their money.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 30, 2020
"My $600"
Hawley is making an issue that Pennsylvania's highest court provided a small grace period for ballots in transit on Election Day, with no grace period in the election law. So the voter is disenfranchised if his good faith vote wasn't processed on election day?
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 30, 2020
Every time a progressive announces a boycott, I announce a buycott.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 30, 2020
Every time a Trumpkin announces a boycott, I announce a buycott.
I don't give a damn if an employee mistakenly used Walmart's feed to attack Hawley.
I'm a libertarian, and Hawley is an ass.#BoycottWalmart
Asshole-in-Chief Sore Loser Trump is calling on GA Gov. Kemp to resign. We still have to put up with the Jerk-in-Chief 3 more weeks?
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 30, 2020
What the hell is wrong with the Georgia Dem Ossoff? He thinks Robert Byrd is risen from the dead and campaigning for Loeffler?
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 31, 2020
Gilligan Island's Mary Ann has passed! I had a geek schoolboy crush on Dawn Wells...
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 31, 2020
I don't know this dude, but I have a sister and two nieces who are RN's and you can't find smarter, more dedicated, harder-working professionals. Very competitive programs; my Colorado niece had to apply to an out-of-state nursing program.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 31, 2020
Laugh of the the Day. This Twitter account basically is a Dem proxy who would love to see the two Georgia Republican senators voted out. Don't ask Wood to explain Trump's recent rally for the senators in question.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) December 31, 2020
Rand Paul pointed out the federal government is charging your grandchildren to study whether people will eat bugs. I really don't want to know what Trump dares his fellow diners to do at lunch.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 1, 2021
You mean for once it's NOT a "progressive" making up sex scandal shit about some conservative jurist who was nominated to SCOTUS?
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 1, 2021
"Chief Justice Roberts"
I love the Babylon Bee.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 1, 2021
It's an interesting idea that Trump sees himself as a shadow President, a President-in-Exile. He would be wrong, but his minions might believe it.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 1, 2021
"Jefferson Davis"
Why should I be surprised that progressives continue their War on Southern Heritage? I had to scan the thread in vain to see if Trump wrote another clueless tweet. No, but this topic has been a meme on the progressive web.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 1, 2021
"Jefferson Davis"
It took me a while to realize the New Year's ball in Times Square isn't the only countdown. The Dems started their countdown of days ever since Clinton lost in 2016.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 1, 2021
To us libertarians, no real change. Both former Dem Trump and Biden are Big Government whores.
"Only 19"
For once, the Pope tweets something I agree with.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 1, 2021
After her failed record heading the Fed? I wouldn't listen to her for free.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 1, 2021
My first post of the year takes on the Twitter COVID-19 nags who see every conservative rally as a super-spreader event.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 1, 2021
Mike Love and Vanilla Ice are trending because progressives are hating on them for entertaining at a Trump property. What's the big deal? When I was a kid, Johnny Cash entertained prisoners.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 1, 2021
This is like a freak show. Who would have ever foreseen that Michael Cohen was the sanest Trump lawyer? I have no doubt that Trump is pissed that Pence won't cooperate with Trump's unconstitutional attempt to subvert electoral college results. Trumpkins are traitors.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 2, 2021
"Lin Wood"
A sore loser Trump has made-up excuses, and he has gullible minions willing to buy into his nonsense. like he's selling snake oil on a late-night infomercial. He seems willing to take down all the statewide GA Republicans with him in political suicide.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 2, 2021
"Stop the Steal"
Trump using his reelection loss to scam thousands of Trumpkins has been engaging in textbook fraud. I hope that state and federal prosecutors are paying attention.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 2, 2021
"Stop the Steal"
Election Betting Odds has Loeffler losing momentum to Warnock while Perdue is up, with a diminishing lead over Ossoff as we head into Tuesday's runoff. RCP has both Dems with statistically insignificant leads.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 2, 2021
Both Republicans are slightly behind in the polls, and the post-election TrumperTantrum has a lot to do with that. If Trump loses the Senate on his way out, he'll be held into account by GOP voters if he has any 2024 ambitions.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 2, 2021
"Illegal and Invalid"
I have to smile at former Sen. Cohen's (R-ME) characterization of Trump as 'ringmaster' of the GOP, cracking his whip on the circus elephants.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 2, 2021
Sometimes progressives trolling Trump are funny....
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 2, 2021
"Great" is a subjective attribute. What we know is that Trumpian protectionism and xenophobia had nothing to do with why America in the nineteenth century became the world's greatest economy. We don't need some megalomaniac, delusional leader.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 2, 2021
"Make America Great Again"
My last vote as a Republican was in the 2016 SC GOP primary: I voted for Cruz as a protest against Trump. Cruz has made me regret voting for him (not against Trump) ever since. Never again.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 3, 2021
"Republican Party"
Hell no, you goddamn traitors! The reason I left the GOP was because of un-American people like you who imposed a bastard like Sore Loser Trump on the American people in the first place!
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 3, 2021
What's important is to note that nearly 80% of GOP Senators refused to join Cruz' politically motivated subversion of the Constitution.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 3, 2021
"Republican Party"
Nope. I was a Never Trumper who didn't agree with the economically illiterate Empty Suit, Barry Obama! They are equally evil.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 3, 2021
"As a Texan" (by birth, anyway), Ted Cruz' politically motivated, un-American attempt to subvert the spirit of the Constitution is an abomination. I have never, and will never, vote for another Trumpkin or a Democrat again.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 3, 2021
"As a Texan" I was born a military brat. I have stood by the Constitution, even when my fellow Americans made mistakes electing Bill Clinton and Barry Obama. I have never voted for Trump or Biden, but the American people voted for Biden. It is time for Trumpkins to stand down.
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 3, 2021
When the hell is Disney going to come up with another animated classic original like when I was a kid, instead of recycling old material?
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 3, 2021
What is it with progressives' obsession with classifying everyone who disagrees with them a "racist"?
— raguillemette (@raguillemette) January 3, 2021
Look, I've never supported Biden or Trump. But I acknowledge Biden's legitimate election. Damn this futile, illegitimate move to subvert the Constitution!#JimCrowCaucus