
Monday, December 21, 2020

Post #4935 M: The COVID Relief Bill; the Georgia Runoff; Immigration Made America Great; Ron Paul on the Birx Hypocrisy

 Quote of the Day

Growth demands a temporary surrender of security.
Gail Sheehy  

Note to Readers

I generally prefer to post newer content, but there are seasonal factors, like two of my key video sources, McClanahan and Woods, don't publish or do so on a reduced schedule during the holiday season. (Of course, I've sometimes sampled older material in my posts.) It didn't affect today's post, but /I usually prefer at least 3 segments, and I'm finding it harder to find current day clips that meet my standards for the blog. So don't be surprised if I include some older clips or fewer segments during the next couple of weeks.

The COVID Relief Bill; the Georgia Runoffs

Immigration Made America Great

Ron Paul on the Birx Hypocrisy

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Margolis & Cox via Townhall

Musical Interlude: Traditional Christmas

The Coventry Carol