
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Post #3800 M: Kaepernick; Woodward on Trump

Quote of the Day

Don't take anyone else's definition of success as your own.
Jacqueline Brisken  

Ditka on Kaepernick

Woodward's Book

You could start a drinking game with every time Trump promotes himself, all of it pretentious bullshit. By the way, I don't believe for a second Trump wanted to talk to Woodward; somehow he wanted to do this interview after the book was published, and he's constantly asking whether his propaganda talking points made it into the book. He's rather pathetic and totally transparent.

What Trumpkin Wrote the NYT Piece?

Life After Death?

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Chip Bok via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Madonna, "Take a Bow". Her last #1 of the '90's (although her "slump" included 4 additional #10's) and she has only score one more since 2000. (I'm referring to the Hot 100; she would continue to hit more #1's on the dance chart.