Murphy's Third Law:
In any field of scientific endeavor,
anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
Image of the Day
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Courtesy of the artist via Independent Institute |
Chart of the Day
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Via IPI |
Facebook Corner
(Reason). Jeb Bush made waves with his comments on #immigration because he took a strong position that seems to strike a chord with much of the American public. If other Republicans can sound the same note, maybe their political party will still be relevant after the Bush family has moved on to other endeavors.
Reading down this thread shows that the ugliness of "Know Nothing" anti-immigrants has continued to the present day. Although in other contexts they may be skeptical of Big Government, the fact is that lawmakers have counterproductively limited immigration at minimum since the 1920's as an accommodation to economically-illiterate populists. We have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, but these populists would have you believe hard-working people, regardless of where they come from, are "criminals". Any legitimate economist will note that immigration is win-win. We have employers finding it hard to find enough interested or qualified workers to do things from working farms to the high tech industry; yet these sanctimonious busybodies want to get in the way of successful American businesses competing on a global level.
(IPI). State Sen. Don Harmon’s progressive tax hike proposal would be a massive tax increase on Illinois businesses. A recent Tax Foundation report shows that 61% of Illinois employers are pass-through entities – meaning their earnings are taxed at the personal income tax rate instead of the corporate income tax rate.
All they know in Illinois is tax tax tax and more tax
Well, they also know how to spend, spend, spend, and kick the biggest bills down the road to the next generation...
I enjoy FREE healthcare, defined pension, 401k with company match, FREE legal services, defined senority, garunteed 40hr work weeks, garunteed 8hr workdays, 13 paid holidays, 2 wks paid vacation, 6 days of paid personal time (which i can take in 2 hr incurments), 2 wks of paid Christmas shutdown, dental benifits, vision benifits, etc. ALL backed by a legaly binding contract threw the UAW. How about you?
Oh, so the union troll reveals himself to be a member of the UAW--that corrupt organization that stole over $10B from the American taxpayer from GM alone. Then there's the fact that the bought-and-paid-for lawless Obama Administration unconstitutionally violated higher-standing creditors on behalf of crony unions. Maybe I shouldn't point out that GM is sitting on billions of subprime auto loans. If and when GM fails again, there will be no bailout.
(IPI). Tax hikers protesting outside our Springfield office. Fight back by calling (844) 668-2945 today and demanding that your representative go on record against another Illinois tax hike by supporting House Resolution 241.
Don Harmon's income tax brackets: first $12,500 of income taxed at 2.9% Income between $12,501 to $180,000 taxed at 4.9% Income above $180,001 taxed at 6.9%. Income of: $25,000 a year gets a $275 tax break, $50,000 a year gets a $300 tax break, $80,000 a year gets a $330 tax break, $100,000 a year gets a $350 tax break,$200,000 a year gets a $90 tax break. Do the math
The residential "progressive" troll thinks legal plunder means "you didn't earn that". Politicians are parasites; they add NOTHING of value to the economy; they didn't produce a single widget, an acre of crops, or bake a single loaf of bread. They did the "hard" work of casting a vote for other people to contribute more money at the point of a gun which the former would spend on all sorts of things the private sector would do faster, better and cheaper--if there was a real need to be serviced.
(IPI). Thanks to your hard work, we're winning the fight against the progressive tax. Now tax hikers want to silence you. SEIU has organized a protest targeting our Springfield office.
Yeah Martin Cosentino we will start by taking away what UNIONS have won for you first. Such as weekends, 40hr work wks, 8hr worldays, holiday pay, if you have children child labor laws, berheavment, defined senority, vacation, sick/personal days, and about a hundred other things. Dont be jealous of union members and try and take what they have. Fight for your own. We pay taxes just like you. Our dollars support the economy just like yours. Its all fun and games until someone comes after yours!
Are you gullible enough to believe this propaganda? Let's take ONE simple example. Ford signed its first union pact in 1941. Before the "progressive" troll celebrates, let's point out at least 2 inconvenient facts. In 1914, Ford more than doubled the hourly rate, going from $2.34 for a 9-hour day to $5 for an 8-hour day. (It turned out productivity increases offset the wage increase.) In 1926, Ford was the first major manufacturer to institute a now standard 8-hour day, 40-hour workweek, and other manufacturer followed suit to be competitive. Why did Ford do it? Workers were more rested and productive with 2 days off a week. The point, of course, is that unions had SQUAT to do with this. A company did it for what they considered their own best business reasons. I could go on and on. Do you think parents want their kids to have to contribute towards a tight household budget? What do you think happened when the head of household got a better-paying job in a growing economy that met the budget without his kids needing to work? The US had become the world's largest economic power long before FDR took power and the crony unions got monopoly protections.
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Glenn Foden and Townhall |
Elton John, "Blessed". Hands down, my favorite Elton John song. I love babies and little kids.