What can be added to the happiness of a man
who is in health, out of debt, and has a clear conscience?
Adam Smith
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Via Drudge Report |
(And May... And June....And....)
What if a Libertarian Worked for Border Control?
Facebook Corner
(Cato Institute). Obamacare, at its root, is about wealth redistribution
There wouldn't need to be wealth redistribution if the rich quit being ass holes hording trillions of dollers, like the FED, and gave back a little more to the people that allowed for them to make all that money, that the rich will never spend anyways. When you force people to work for you for practically no money that is called slavery, something this Libertarian is opposed to more than slightly higher taxes. Since when did Libertarianism become Communism for the rich, allowing for cronies to keep more money, and shitting over the little guy.
This progressive troll reminds me of that scene in "It's a Wonderful Life" where a bank run triggered a run on the Bailey S&L. George tries to plead with depositors to give him some time as per their share agreement. After all, how does a financial institution make money? Not by collecting magic fairy dust in some safe, but in the case of the S&L, home mortgages paid off over time.
The Politics of Envy is morally corrosive and self-defeating. Past economic success is not indicative of future success. Let's suppose that the troll is just overlooking people whom buy government bonds, invest in long-term capital-intensive projects which may not see any positive cashflow for years. It's none of his business, of course, what other people make or own. The salient question is, if businesses or individuals are allegedly hoarding cash, why are they not investing? The bottom line is they don't see profitable alternatives; there's too much risk. And bad fiscal, regulatory, and monetary policy exacerbate the problem. The sad thing is the troll doesn't understand that he and his fellow trolls are reaping the rewards of their own counter-productive policies.
Political Humor
Connecticut beat Michigan State, the team that President Obama had picked to win the whole tournament. It completely busted his bracket. Which explains why today Connecticut got a fruit basket from Vladimir Putin. - Jimmy Fallon
[Separately, Obama released his picks of Senate Democrats for this fall's election.]
The Secret Service arrested a man today after he tried to scale a fence at the White House. They reportedly said to the man, “Sorry, but you still have two more years, Mr. President.” - Seth Meyers
[Obama explained that he was simply demonstrating proper technique on how to cross the Arizona border to a visiting group of undocumented aliens...]
Troll Stomping
from an IPI thread:
[Discussant], what are you drinking? Politicians get payed off by big business and control all. Get off the backs of the unions!!!!!!! Rahm is a big disappointment to me.......
What load of crap! Tell me, what business is buying out all these parasite Democrats, and what are they getting for all this money? It's mostly the corrupt public unions.
How about former politicians and their pensions. No one is talking about them? Just the unions......
Because the bulk of pension costs was corruptly kicked to future taxpayers, whom find that essential services are getting cut at their expense. Why don't you get this? Economics-illiterate "progressive" trolls!
Harmon’s proposal would provide a tax relief for 94% of Illinoisans, including everyone making up to $200,000. The proposal would replace Illinois’ antiquated, regressive flat tax with rates that offer tax cuts to the overwhelming majority, while maintaining adequate revenue to protect vital investments in education, health and human services, and public safety. (click here to learn about the proposal)
On the pending fiscal cliff some politicians in Springfield are prepared to drive the state off, Harmon was blunt:
Do I really have to explain who has the money to move, to sell his home at a loss, the motive to move to a more business-friendly, taxpayer-friendly state like Texas?
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Eric Allie via IPI |
Mary Chapin Carpenter, "Grow Old Along With Me"