Joy is prayer
Joy is strength
Joy is love
Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.
Mother Teresa
The Latest JOTY Nominee: Sheila Jackson Lee
The Congresswoman who serves part of Houston, where I lived for several years and earned 2 graduate degrees, suggests, with zero evidence, that the unarmed woman, who had been prescribed mental health meds and was killed after a high-profile car accident and chase in the Capitol area yesterday, may have been motivated by the government shutdown. Busy year for JOTY; less than 3 months before I have to make a deciision.
Let's Send Progressives to Their Utopia
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Courtesy of the Laissez Faire Capitalism Group on FB |
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Courtesy of Jeffrey Tucker Vi a LFC |
It Could Cost You an Arm and a Leg
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Courtesy of LFC on FB |
- The not-ready-for-prime-time nature of the Minnesota exchange showed by violating the data privacy of thousands of citizens in an insecure data transmission to a local insurance brokerage.
- From an investment newsletter daily email:
"It's a little confusing," says Nancy Jean Beigel of the Obamacare exchanges that launched this week. For two days, she tried signing up, before giving up. Ms. Beigel, a resident of Beltsville, Md., was among those who stood behind the president during a photo op at the White House on Tuesday -- promoting Obamacare. In any event, she figures she'll qualify for expanded Medicaid benefits, given she earns about $8,000 running a small cleaning service. The exchange? "It's not so great," she tells The Washington Post. Meanwhile, we see that in several states, fewer than 1% of people who've visited their state's exchange website have actually signed up.
- ObamaCare poster boy 21-year-old Chad Henderson claimed to have enrolled him and his father in ObamaCare to various national profile media; reports that the elder Henderson contradicted the claim; a Washpo follow-up with Chad reveals that he admits that hasn't physically filed for a plan but thinks that he knows which plan he prefers...
- FoxNews reports the Beigel story above and discusses other cases, e.g.
Tom Gialanella of Seattle, who is self-employed, told Fox News, "my premiums would increase approximately 61 percent. I went from $891 a month to $1437 dollars a month. And also my deductibles all doubled. The letter from his insurer said his current deductible for his family of five would double from $4,000 a year to $8,000. The least expensive option under ObamaCare costs $500 more and is no better than what he already has. What’s more, it also it carries a benefit his family does not need: maternity and newborn care.
Facebook Corner
Which government agency would you most like to see shutdown for good? - Libertarian Republic
DHS (super-bureaucracy), followed by HHS, Education, Energy,... Oh, hell. Let's have a do-over and rebuild from scratch with just we need, which is a short list...
I voted no on the Kilmer of WA Amendment 67 to H R 2397, which prohibits DoD from denying a security clearance to a DoD employee if one reason for the denial is furlough-related financial hardship "caused by sequestration." The sensitive nature of security clearances requires DoD to have the discretion to determine which situations pose a security risk. It passed 277-142. - Justin Amash
This is a blatant violation of equal protection. The whole idea is that people with money problems might be susceptible to bribes or extortion. How does the nature of the risk change because of the the incidental facts of employment? This is just a form of crony privileges.
This comes from a thread based on a Breitbart/Catholic Vote piece: "MILITARY PRIESTS FACE ARREST FOR CELEBRATING MASS IN DEFIANCE OF SHUTDOWN":
- This is the Obama regime's way of trying to extort the Congress into ending the shutdown. Believe me, this is a bluff--Obama isn't so stupid as to do something that would piss off 23% of the electorate. He's bluffing....
- How can they use a government shutdown (where congress and the president still get paid mind you!) as an excuse to trample the 1st Amendment?
- This surprises you? From in May: "The Pentagon has released a statement confirming that soldiers could be prosecuted for promoting their faith: "Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense...Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis...”. It's OK for a gay soldier to discuss his sexuality, but heaven forbid you should espouse your Christian beliefs. It is censorship and it is unconstitutional in principle--although you never can tell what a judicial activist judge will say... The sad thing is Obama used to teach constitutional law..
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of the author via Laissez Faire Capitalism on Facebook |
The Supremes, "Someday We'll Be Together"