
Friday, April 12, 2013

Miscellany: 4/12/13

Quote of the Day
Appreciation can make a day, 
even change a life. 
Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.
Margaret Cousins

USC Professor Caught On Candid Camera Tape has a post about USC student Tyler Talgo whom secretly recorded political science Professor Darry Sragow in class last fall making stereotypical comments about Republicans. (Before going further, let me say that students should not tape record without the knowledge and consent of the professor and fellow class members; there is a general personal-use exception for disabled students (cf here, for example). There are various concerns such as the professor's intellectual property rights and concerns about academic freedom of the professor or students, inhibiting classroom discussions. I had a policy against it.)

That being said, it seems Stragow does have such a policy; at one point, he goes out of his way saying he says the same thing in class he says before the media, which, of course, has no expectation of privacy. I would rant more if USC was sponsored by the public sector, But before commenting further, at about 1:45 he mentions that Obama wants to rule the world and then quickly adds so does "George Romney". I don't think so. The former Michigan governor, Mitt's father, died in 1995. Stragow must really know his stuff.

The tape contents show what I believe to be unprofessional conduct; there's a line between, say. playing devil's advocate to start a classroom discussion and using the captive classroom as a platform to make one-sided disparaging, unsupported polemical allegations, not to initiate discussion but in such a way as to intimidate, if not suppress discussion: who is going to risk his course grade to defend old, racist, angry, stupid, stubborn, loser "sons of bitches"? Voter ID is not described in terms of dealing with fraud, but in some unsupported conspiracy theory is a tool to suppress minority voting (never mind pesky details like record minority turnouts, the same black politicians returned to office even after ethics or criminal charges have been filed and/or sustained against them? (Compare against, say, a GOP representative whom resigned after posting a shirtless picture of himself.) I should also point out that Ron Paul's most fervent supporters, and a significant portion of the much-attacked Tea Party. is young people.)

I do not want USC to defend this garbage as "academic freedom". In the progressive groupthink world of academia, Stragow's conventional political opinions are more the rule than the exception. I am writing a political blog, and I avoid engaging in the same type of polemics and tone. I don't mind Stragow expressing his personal opinions on his own time, writing his own blog or whatever. But the role of a professor is not one of advocacy but of arbiter. Even if some college was to offer me a position as a political science/philosophy professor (I'm not holding my breath), I would never venture my personal opinion unless asked; what I wanted to teach my students was not what to think but how to think.

Familiar readers should know what comes next. Darry Sragow joins the crowded field for this year's tongue-in-cheek JOTY competition.

Pot Calling the Kettle Black

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the Treasury Dept. is worried about the Japanese manipulating its currency to boost its exports (in the context of "beggar thy neighbor") This is rich given how under the Federal Reserve Century a dollar today is pennies on a 1913 dollar. The Administration can't be that clueless; how did Obama expect to increase exports by 50%? Through industrial policy?

Consider when the yen hit a new high against the dollar in Oct. 2011. Grannis comments:
According to Japan's Nationwide General Price Index, prices are on average at the same level today as they were in March 1993. Meanwhile, over that same period, the U.S. Consumer Price Index has risen by 58%. This alone would account for a 58% appreciation of the yen vis a vis the dollar since 1993, since that is what would be required to keep prices stable between both countries.
Courtesy of Scott Grannis, Seeking Alpha
Let us now give all praise and glory to Greenspan and Bernanke whom did such a magnificent job defending a sound dollar. A weaker dollar made our goods cheaper and their goods more expensive. Not only that, but Japan has been one of the largest holders of US debt--which we have been paying back in ever cheaper dollars.

I have been a critic of Japan's inflationary monetary policy (not to mention even worse fiscal policy over the past generation). You cannot debase your currency to prosperity. It's laughable to hear the hypocritical, clueless Treasury say it's okay if you debase your currency to growth, but not to improve your trade status (as if you could separate "good" versus "bad" currency manipulation!) Tell me, how much money printing by the Fed since year 2000 resulted in even 3% trend line growth?

Let me suggest we have more of a supply side problem: in the US, we penalize wealth generation, savings and investment,  we establish barriers to business and pushing-on-a-string regulations/costs; government crowds out private sector resources. Both the US and Japan would be better off shrinking government to core purposes of justice and security, and establishing free market and free trade reforms.

Florists Deprived of Basic Economic and Religious Liberty

 Barronelle Stutzman, owner of Arlene’s Flowers and Gifts, has declined to offer floral services to long-time gay customers for their upcoming wedding. (Washington State narrowly approved "gay marriage" last November.) Attorney General Bob Ferguson issued a statement: "Under the Consumer Protection Act, it is unlawful to discriminate against customers on the basis of sexual orientation. If a business provides a product or service to opposite-sex couples for their weddings, then it must provide same-sex couples the same product or service."

It's bad enough Ferguson makes a false distinction between marriage and "opposite-sex" marriage: the use of "opposite-sex" is redundant. He is trying to imply a false equality between relationships which has never existed before activist Massachusetts liberal judges created it by fiat. But Ferguson seems to think he has the unconstitutional right to override a business person's conscientious objections, an incontrovertible violation of both religious and economic liberty. It's none of the State's business what the reasons are for why Stutzman declines a transaction. There could be business factors,  personal reasons. For example, a wedding photographer may have a choice between working straight and gay ceremonies on the same day.

Life isn't fair. For example, men may be  attracted to certain women for hair color, body type, youth, etc.; in turn,  some women impose height or back pocket requirements. People may give precedence based on friendship, past relationships, etc.; I may choose to sell my car to a relative. But short of abuses like fraud, the government should stay out of it. In this case, I'm sure there are other florists besides Stutzman whom are available and would love to do the floral arrangement for a "gay wedding" (I'm really shocked: there aren't any gay florists?). If I was a gay person, the last thing I would do is hire a florist not into the transaction; she probably wouldn't do her best work if the statist attorney general was forcing her to do it. Why would you pay good money for someone whom doesn't appreciate or want your business.and really wouldn't give it her best effort?

Now personally if it was me, as a businessman, I don't look for reasons to turn away customers; I probably would have given them an estimate with a healthy markup. Not to mention, if they're regular customers, I want to hold onto their business after the "wedding". Also, I don't see how a florist aids and abets "gay weddings" "Gay marriage" is a legal invention honored in Washington state: it has no religious or moral significance. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Entertainment Potpourri

  • American Idol. When I last commented on Idol, I wrote, "The women are all but a lock to clinch this year's crown." The last of 5 male contestants was eliminated, leaving all 5 female finalists. In only one season  (3) did you have an all-female final, and the last male was eliminated as #5. Lazaro got eliminated after a suboptimal performance of my favorite Carpenters' hit "Close to You". 
  • Dallas Season Finale Monday. The killer of  JR Ewing is to be revealed in Monday's 2-hour season finale.
Political Cartoon

Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay
Courtesy of Chuck Asay and Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Groups

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, "Our House"