
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Miscellany: 7/13/10

Favorite New Song: "I Am America" by Krista Branch

This blue-eyed beauty is a talented songwriter and performer and has penned the best song I've heard since Jonathan Kahn's "An American Heart". The lyrics speak to all of us sick and tired of hypocritical, judgmental progressives and other professional politicians selling our American dream for their political gain; long live the courageous patriots of the Tea Party movement whom  refuse to allow others to strip away our God-given rights and liberties and to bankrupt the future of our children and grandchildren. Join me in purchasing a copy of her hit single from iTunes.

Lyrics: "I am America" by Krista Branch

Pay no attention to the people in the street
Crying out for accountability
Make a joke of what we believe
Say we don’t matter ’cause you disagree
Pretend you’re kings, sit on your throne
Look down your nose at the peasants below
I’ve got some news, we’re taking names
We’re waiting now for the judgment day

I am America, one voice, united we stand
I am America, one hope to heal our land

There is still work that must be done
I will not rest until we’ve won

I am America

[Verse Two]
You preach your tolerance, but lecture me
Is there no end to your own hypocrisy
Your god is power, you have no shame
Your only interest is political gain

You hide your eyes and refuse to listen
You play your games and abuse the system
You stuff your pockets while Rome is burning
I’ve got a feeling that the tide is turning

I am America, one voice, united we stand
I am America, one hope to heal our land

I will not give up on this fight
I will not fade into the light, I am America

You stuff your pockets while Rome is burning
I’ve got a feeling that the tide is turning

I am America, one voice, united we stand
I am America, one hope to heal our land

I am America, one voice, united we stand
I am America, one hope to heal our land

I will not give up on this fight
I will not fade into the night, I am America

Article Comments

  • Brian Riedl, "The Bush Tax Cuts and the Deficit Myths." This WSJ op-ed busts the fraudulent Dem talking point that the Bush tax cuts were responsible from overly optimistic CBO estimates in early 2001 of a $5.6T surplus to a $6.1T loss. Riedl starts out by noting that federal revenues steadily account for about 18% of GDP and spending for about 20.3%  over the past 50 years--a federal deficit of about 2.3% of the GDP this is despite any tax policy changes. That means, in our currently projected $14.6T, we might expect something like $336B in a deficit versus roughly a $1.4T deficit. Never mind the dynamic effects of lower taxes on economic growth (i.e., tax cuts actually raising total tax revenues, like Wal-Mart's lower prices result in big profits in volume), Riedl points out only about 14% of the static difference (i.e., the nearly $12T swing) can be attributed to the tax cuts--and only 4% from the notorious 5% of the population Obama is determined to make pay the Clintonian burden of their "fair share", and overall the Bush burden of taxes, Medicare, and the wars account for maybe a third of the swing. Much larger contributors includes the 32% of NEW SPENDING; he also points out that progressives love to blame the spending of the wars (10 years of war = $515B < $787B (initially) of the 2009 Democratic stimulus). (Some people might claim we got better results from the wars.) Furthermore, Riedl notes that the progressives' fixation on the Bush burden is arbitrary--why aren't they blaming bigger ticket items in the budget like antipoverty programs, interest on the debt, discretionary spending, Medicare and/or social security?
  • USA Today has a post of the invasion of privacy concerns (not to mention possible health risks) of the rapid deployment  of new full-image scanners which can see what's behind the clothes you are wearing... Say it ain't so, Joe! What astonishes me is how many Americans will put up routinely with unjustifiable restrictions on their liberties; one terrorist tries to light a shoe bomb on a flight, and suddenly we've been taking off our shoes. A couple of female Russian terrorists hide bombs in brassieres, and now we've got 84-year-old great-grandmothers getting groped at airports. Can anyone say 'a day late and a dollar short'? Enron uses some cheap accounting tricks, and the result is Sarbanes/Oxley. We have turf battles between intelligence agencies, and we get 9/11. We have plans for evacuating Katrina and for containing oil spills, but the government can't execute. What we need is more proactive, out-of-the-box thinking, better risk analysis and marker factors, but adding to a growing list of indignities (and waiting periods to get through security) every time we travel. I mean, what happens next? Where does it end? Someone scratches a flight attendants' eyes with sharp fingernails, and we get a government edit on just how long you can grow your fingernails? Sorry, we cannot afford to give TSA a blank check...
Political Cartoon

Walt Handelsman shows snake oil salesman Obama pretentiously suggesting his industrial policy, cherry-picked stimulus of high-speed rails, bailouts of state politicians whom spent money they didn't have instead of saving for a rainy day, cash for newer clunkers, and extra pocket change every payday, shakedowns of companies employing Americans and forcing layoffs of others through drilling moratoriums paid out of another company's pocket, crony bankruptcies for auto companies, future health care tax penalties for small businesses, and  year-end tax hikes for job creators and investors are just the tonic necessary to a full, robust recovery. It's going to feel like recovery any day now. Here it comes. Wait. I promise it's going to happen. For sure. Would I lie to you? Can't you feel the hope and change tonight? Shoot, the flame just went out--Bush must have blown it out; anybody got a match? The Chinese guaranteed these firecrackers; we want their money back.

Quote of the Day

A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
Walter Bagehot

Musical Interlude: Chart Hits of 1993

Meat Loaf, "I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)"

Rod Stewart, "Have I Told You Lately"       my favorite Van Morrison song!

Sting, "If I Lose My Faith in You"

Expose, "I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me"

Restless Heart, "When She Cries"