
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sarah Palin's Baptism by Fire

Governor Palin has certainly had to deal with a number of bitter partisan attacks and liberal media stories:
  • 17-year-old unmarried daughter Bristol's five-month pregnancy, including spurious rumors that she is secretly the mother to the Palins' infant son Trig, whom has Down syndrome
  • an allegation that Sarah Palin and her husband Todd were, at one time, affiliated with the Alaska Independence Party, which advocates a vote for secession from the US; if true, this would certainly call into question McCain's judgment as a Lincoln Republican and his campaign slogan "Country First!" [Mayor Sarah Palin, as a courtesy, welcomed the 1990 AIP convention to Wasilla, and she has been continuously registered, verified by election records, as a Republican since 1982]
  • "Troopergate": a disgruntled former Commissioner of Public Safety Walt Monegan claims he believes he was fired because the Palins were upset that he had not terminated former brother-in-law trooper Mike Wooten, whom allegedly threatened the life of his father-in-law and to take Sarah Palin down; the investigation report on Wooten showed that the trooper had violated policy and/or the law on four occasions, for which he was suspended a total of 5 days. Monegan feels that he was fired over Wooten based on a handful of brief Wooten references on post-election references by the Palins and others. [Imagine that--why would a governor want to bring up a bitter, armed former brother-in-law whom had threatened her and her family? The fact is that Governor Palin had noted that Monegan had failed to fill some 65 vacancies, cut his budget, and he went over her head to the Alaska legislature to demand more money. I personally would regard this is a problem not only of administrative performance, but of insubordination. Monegan admits that no one, including Sarah Palin, threatened his job over Wooten. Moreover, Sarah Palin offered Monegan an alternative position.]
  • Todd Palin's 20-year-old DUI charge is being dredged up. [Todd Palin is not on the ballot. However, Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee, has openly admitted abusing drugs (cocaine) and alcohol at roughly the same age. What is exactly is the point?]
  • Sarah Palin, at one time, did actively seek (and didn't return) Congressional earmark money and had supported the Bridge to Nowhere (between Revillagigedo and Gravina islands), which was stripped by Congress for the designated purpose, and seems out of step with John McCain's antipathy to earmarks. [There is no doubt that the Alaskan members in Congress had aggressively sought and delivered funds for Alaska projects, and any young, ambitious politician running against job-creating projects in support of Alaskan infrastructure would face long odds. But the fact is that Governor Palin was facing project budget overruns and a $330M shortfall  for a $400M project when she pulled the plug. Governor Palin deserves credit for making a decision knowing when to say when rather than to continue to throw good state taxpayer money down the drain of a failing project. The fact that she has shown initiative to be tight with state money in terms of symbolic things like the state jet and housekeeping staff is consistent with McCain's philosophy.]
I was very touched by the Palins' unconditional support for their oldest daughter, her decision to have her baby (their first grandchild), and her upcoming wedding to the baby's father.  I myself have seen two of my beautiful nieces in a similar situation. My family was raised on strong conservative Catholic values, in particular, sex within marriage. I don't recall hearing of a single person in my family saying anything judgmental about my nieces. I think we would have preferred that they had made different decisions about sex outside of marriage, but we honored their decisions on behalf of life.

Some people will argue that Sarah Palin's place is with her infant Down syndrome son; they frown at the concept of a working mother. They may believe that if the Palins were better, more attentive parents, Bristol wouldn't be a pregnant teen. Personally, I've watched Sarah around her beautiful baby boy, and she is so tender and loving: you can read it on her face, see it in her touch. The Palins are justifiably proud of and love their children. I absolutely trust the choices they have made for their children. I'm sure they wish things had developed differently in their daughter's relationship, but their unconditional love and acceptance of their daughter, their support for the young couple's upcoming marriage, and their positive, accepting attitude, even joyous anticipation of their first grandchild, serve as an inspiring model for other families facing this situation. 

As for the judgmental statements about working mothers: three of my sisters were housewives, at least before all their children were in school, and one of my sisters worked during that period. I know each of them to be an outstanding mother, with wonderful kids whom are secure in the knowledge they are loved. However one tries to raise his or her kids, teenagers sometimes make their own mistakes, decisions that parents may not agree with but are beyond their control.  All you can do is choose how you will respond to the situation. Joe Biden for years after the tragic auto accident killing his wife and one of their children came home each day from his work in the Senate to care for his surviving sons, and I honor that. I know Randy Pausch's widow has three children she has to raise on her own. There are many single moms out there whom have to work to make ends meet. I personally believe in giving parents the benefit of a doubt that they love their children and make the right decisions for their family's circumstances.

I believe Sarah Palin is articulate, intelligent and spunky, a quick study. She is a born reformist, an inspired choice by a maverick President nominee and qualified to be our Vice President. She is a talented administrator whom puts her country first. She's a terrific role model for our young women, an exciting, loving person, and I look forward to her serving our nation as its first female Vice President.