
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Real Change For America Is More Than Words

"Real Change For America Delivers Real Results".

"Real Change For America Means Getting Things Done".

Is anyone from the McCain-Palin campaign listening? I would like to see a little more creativity out there. The first time I heard McCain say, "Change is coming! Change is coming!", I immediately thought of Paul Revere's famous ride. I can just see Sheriff McCain and Deputy Palin riding into Washington town, noticing the sniping, fighting, and yelling going on between the Left and Right sides of the street, stopping it and telling the gathering townspeople that there's a new sheriff in town and things are going to be run a lot more differently around here. It won't be easy, but we promise to lead with hard work, thriftiness, sacrifice, determination, and a positive attitude, and with your help, we're going to achieve real progress towards a safer, more prosperous future for our families and our country.