
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Post #6705 M: The White House lied about its IRS funding; McClanahan on The ClintonTrump Debate and Political Discourse; Why Libertarianism Is Flourishing in Polish Universities

 Quote of the Day

Anger is a prelude to courage.
Eric Hoffer  

The White House lied about its IRS funding

McClanahan on The ClintonTrump Debate and Political Discourse

I sometimes clip some of Brion's early (2016 ff) episodes I didn't embed at the time they were initially  released  Whether or not we'll see any debates this summer/fall between Biden and Trump, but what I hope the reader takes away is not his views on that election so much but how he talks of the inappropriateness of questions outside of the constitutionally strictly enumerated powers and role. POTUS is not a super-legislator, but e.g., he does conduct foreign policy

Why Libertarianism Is Flourishing in Polish Universities

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Michael Ramirez via Townhall

Musical Interlude: Duos

Hall and Oates , "Rich Girl"