
Monday, June 5, 2023

Post #6265 M: How Government Rigged the Adjudicative Process; Jefferson Davis's Farewell Address; A Rothbardian History of the United States

 Quote of the Day

A teacher is a person who never says anything once.
Howard Nemerov  

How Government Rigged the Adjudicative Process to Facilitate Its Unlawful Exercise of Power

Note to Readers: as Familiar readers may know, I subscribe to a number of podcasts through iTunes (you can alternatively use other platforms like Google Podcasts), including Cato Institute, Good Moening Liberty, etc. I've sometimes sampled Cato Institute content in the blog, particularly on immigration. I was impressed with the speaker's description of how government has stacked the legal deck against the ordinary citizen except for very selective rights like religion and speech. I was also intrigued by his speculation of a legal variation to ChatGPT.

Abbevlle Institute, "Jefferson Davis's Farewell Address"

A Rothbardian History of the United States

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Chip Bok via Townhall

Musical Interlude: #1 Hits of 2010

Rihanna, "What's My Name?" ft. Drake