
Saturday, September 18, 2021

Post #5350 M: SOHO Debate: Voter ID; Mike Lee on the Constitution and Elections; Blockchain Smart Contracts

 Quote of the Day

Our own heart, 
and not other men's opinion, 
forms our true honor.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge  

SOHO Debate: Voter ID

I'm pro-reform; I nevertheless still thought Spakovsky smoked Sweren-Becker, who mostly recited trite liberalized election law talking points. I was particularly impressed by the former's cited study that had crosschecked voting records with credit bureau reports and noted literally thousands of issues, submitted reports to state/local officials who ignored findings.

Mike Lee on the Constitution and Elections

Blockchain Smart Contracts

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Michael Ramirez via Townhall

Musical Interlude: #1 Hits of 1978

Johnny Mathis & Deniece Williams, "Too Much, Too Little, Too Late"