...the myth of socialism is far stronger than the reality of capitalism.
That is because capitalism is not really an ism at all.
It is what people do if you leave them alone.
Arnold Beichmen, Hoover Institute Fellow
Guest Quotation of the Day
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race"
-- Calvin Coolidge.
Image of the Day
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Via Libertarian Catholic |
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Via Voluntary Virtues Network |
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Via Libertarian Republicans |
Why I Find So-Called Democrat Immigration "Reformers" Morally Bankrupt
As Gonzalez shows, the USDA has crafted radio soap operas in Spanish to get immigrants to drop their natural resistance to being a public burden and accept food stamps. And the USDA even collaborates with foreign governments in that regard. The long-term goal, as Gonzalez sees it, is to co-opt the growing number of immigrants from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and other Latin American countries into the Great Society welfare programs created by the administration of Lyndon Johnson. That does not help the immigrants themselves and fails to serve the U.S. economy. It does, however, increase the power of federal bureaucracies. In effect, they are importing new clients to justify their positions and expand their power.Tom DiLorenzo On Unions and Antitrust
The Struggle For Liberty Continues in Socialist Venezuela
On the Importance of Free Expression
Facebook Corner
(Independent Institute). Research Fellow Vicki Alger: "If gainful employment regulations go through, they’ll also inflict more hardships and less opportunities for students and taxpayers."
The fascists can't stand "for profit" alternatives to education or other Statist cartels.
(Independent Institute). "The USDA has crafted radio soap operas in Spanish to get immigrants to drop their natural resistance to being a public burden and accept food stamps. And the USDA even collaborates with foreign governments in that regard. The long-term goal, as Gonzalez sees it, is to co-opt the growing number of immigrants from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and other Latin American countries into the Great Society welfare programs created by the administration of Lyndon Johnson."
The fascists bait their morally hazardous traps with government cheese...
(Drudge Report). FLASHBACK: SCHLAFLY: Limit immigration or watch conservative efforts become irrelevant...
Immigrants are part of the American success story. The nativists should all deport themselves.
(Stossel). Legal immigration is nearly impossible. We should relax the rules, and issue more work permits. If people can come here legally, fewer sneak in. It will be easier to secure the border because police can focus on actual criminals and terrorists. As Lao-Tzu said, "The greater the number of laws and enactments, the more thieves and robbers there will be." STOSSEL re-airs tonight at 10PM on Fox News.
John is spot on. US immigration policy since the 1920's has been unduly restrictive, even shameful. It's been counterproductive; the economic evidence of win-win immigration is compelling. The US became the world's largest economy during the Gilded Age, and wages and the standard of living increased despite heavy immigration. It's time we hear from someone other than the nativists, xenophobes, and bigots spamming John in this thread. The current restrictive policy is directly responsible for the black market attracting the drug lords to obscene profits smuggling aliens. We are long past overdue liberalizing immigration, widening quotas to accommodate family reunification and professional/educated immigrants, allowing temporary work visas that the unions have relied on special-interest politicians to block.
(IPI). In Illinois, citizens have the right to speak at public meetings, but McLean County is making it especially difficult to do so.
The County requires citizens to register their request to speak before the board, including specifying subject matter to be discussed, five business days before a meeting.
This means citizens must declare their intention to speak before they have any idea what topics the County Board will take up.
That's like students requiring a teacher to post his exam questions 7 days before an exam; it gives political whores days to fashion political soundbite responses or to arbitrary reject questions they don't like. It's censorship at the convenience of the politicos, who refuse to acknowledge they serve the people, not vice-versa. No spontaneity; it makes public meetings little more than scripted events.
Unfortunately, there is only one degree of separation between most Republicans and Democrats in Illinois. Term limits and real campaign finance reform is needed.
"Campaign finance reform" is a "progressive" smokescreen for suppressing political speech. Trying to portray Republicans as little more than Democrats Lite is an intellectually lazy smear. You cannot blame the GOP on Chicago's corruption and incompetent management. The GOP has been essentially locked out of Illinois state government for more than a decade, and we see the results.
Disgusting! 10 Republicans to 8 Democrats. [Presumably McLean County board.] Where did the Republican party go off the tracks. I no longer support Republicans because they are lost party, with no unifying vision for the country.
Do you have any evidence this policy is a GOP policy? I am unaware of any such party position. As Pete points out, we know how "open" the Obama Administration is: they limit press coverage of events and furnish their own feeds. That is propaganda of the highest order..
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Bob Gorrell via Townhall |
Barry Manilow, "Copacabana (At the Copa)"